The Helm Manual

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The Helm Manual

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1 Package: helm

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1.1 Library: helm

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1.1.1 Modes in library helm



[INTERNAL] Provide major-mode name in Helm buffers. Unuseful when used outside Helm, don’t use it.

This mode runs the hook helm-major-mode-hook, as the final or penultimate step during initialization.




(helm–minor-mode &optional ARG)

[INTERNAL] Enable keymap in Helm minibuffer. Since this mode has no effect when run outside of Helm context, please don’t use it outside of Helm.

If called interactively, toggle Helm- minor mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



(helm–remap-mouse-mode &optional ARG)

[INTERNAL] Prevent escaping helm minibuffer with mouse clicks. Do nothing when used outside of helm context.

If called interactively, toggle Helm--Remap-Mouse mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

WARNING: Do not use this mode yourself, it is internal to Helm.


(helm-autoresize-mode &optional ARG)

Auto resize helm window when enabled. Helm window is re-sized according to helm-autoresize-max-height and helm-autoresize-min-height. Note that when this mode is enabled, Helm behaves as if helm-always-two-windows is enabled.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Autoresize mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

See fit-window-to-buffer for more infos.

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1.1.2 Commands in keymap helm-map

Most Important

C-g (helm-keyboard-quit)

Quit minibuffer in helm. If action buffer is displayed, kill it.

RET (helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer)
C-j (helm-execute-persistent-action)

(helm-execute-persistent-action &optional ATTR SPLIT)

Perform the associated action ATTR without quitting helm.

Arg ATTR default will be persistent-action or persistent-action-if if unspecified depending on what’s found in source, but it can be anything else. In this case you have to add this new attribute to your source. See persistent-action and persistent-action-if slot documentation in helm-source.

When helm-full-frame is non-nil, and helm-buffer is displayed in only one window, the helm window is split to display helm-select-persistent-action-window in other window to maintain visibility. The argument SPLIT can be used to force splitting inconditionally, it is unused actually.

TAB (helm-select-action)

Select an action for the currently selected candidate. If action buffer is selected, back to the Helm buffer.

C-x 1 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+1)
C-c 1 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+1)
C-x 2 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+2)
C-c 2 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+2)
C-x 3 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+3)
C-c 3 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+3)
C-x 4 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+4)
C-c 4 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+4)
C-x 5 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+5)
C-c 5 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+5)
C-x 6 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+6)
C-c 6 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+6)
C-x 7 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+7)
C-c 7 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+7)
C-x 8 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+8)
C-c 8 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+8)
C-x 9 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+9)
C-c 9 (helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+9)
C-h h
C-h C-h
M-s (undefined)

Beep to tell the user this binding is undefined.

C-k (helm-delete-minibuffer-contents)

(helm-delete-minibuffer-contents &optional ARG)

Delete minibuffer contents. When helm-delete-minibuffer-contents-from-point is non-nil, delete minibuffer contents from point instead of deleting all. With a prefix arg reverse this behaviour. When at the end of minibuffer, delete all.

<help> m
C-h m
C-c ? (helm-help)

Generate Helm’s help according to help-message attribute.

If helm-buffer is empty, provide completions on helm-sources to choose its local documentation. If source doesn’t have any help-message attribute, a generic message explaining this is added instead. The global helm-help-message is always added after this local help.

C-h c (helm-customize-group)

Jump to customization group of current source.

Default to Helm group when group is not defined in source.

Minor Modes

C-c l (helm-display-line-numbers-mode)

(helm-display-line-numbers-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle display of line numbers in current Helm buffer.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Display-Line-Numbers mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

C-c C-f (helm-follow-mode)

(helm-follow-mode &optional ARG)

Execute persistent action every time the cursor is moved.

This mode is source local, i.e. It applies on current source only. \<helm-map> This mode can be enabled or disabled interactively at anytime during a helm session with \[helm-follow-mode].

When enabling interactively helm-follow-mode in a source, you can keep it enabled for next Emacs sessions by setting helm-follow-mode-persistent to a non-nil value.

When helm-follow-mode is called with a prefix arg and helm-follow-mode-persistent is non-nil helm-follow-mode will be persistent only for this Emacs session, but not for the next Emacs sessions, i.e. the current source will not be saved to helm-source-names-using-follow.

A prefix arg with helm-follow-mode already enabled will have no effect.

Note that you can use instead of this mode the commands helm-follow-action-forward and helm-follow-action-backward at anytime in all Helm sessions.

They are bound by default to \[helm-follow-action-forward] and \[helm-follow-action-backward].

Control what is displayed

C-c > (helm-toggle-truncate-line)

Toggle truncate-lines value in helm-buffer

C-M-e (helm-display-all-sources)

Display all sources previously hidden by helm-set-source-filter.

C-M-a (helm-show-all-candidates-in-source)

(helm-show-all-candidates-in-source ARG)

Toggle all or only candidate-number-limit cands in current source. With a numeric prefix arg show only the ARG number of candidates. The prefix arg has no effect when toggling to only candidate-number-limit.

Control the layout

C-c % (helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line)

Display minibuffer in header-line and vice versa for current Helm session.

This is a toggle command.

C-{ (helm-enlarge-window)

Enlarge helm window.

C-} (helm-narrow-window)

Narrow helm window.

C-c - (helm-swap-windows)

Swap window holding helm-buffer with other window.

C-c _ (helm-toggle-full-frame)

(helm-toggle-full-frame &optional ARG)

Toggle helm-buffer full-frame view.

C-t (helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows)

Multi key command to re-split and swap Helm window. First call runs helm-toggle-resplit-window, and second call within 1s runs helm-swap-windows.

Act on Other Window

C-l (helm-recenter-top-bottom-other-window)

(helm-recenter-top-bottom-other-window &optional ARG)

Run recenter-top-bottom in other window. Meaning of prefix ARG is the same as in recenter-top-bottom.

C-M-l (helm-reposition-window-other-window)

(helm-reposition-window-other-window &optional ARG)

Run reposition-window in other window. Meaning of prefix ARG is the same as in reposition-window.

C-M-v (helm-scroll-other-window)

(helm-scroll-other-window &optional ARG)

Scroll other window upward ARG many lines. When arg is not provided scroll helm-scroll-amount lines. See scroll-other-window.

C-M-y (helm-scroll-other-window-down)

(helm-scroll-other-window-down &optional ARG)

Scroll other window downward ARG many lines. When arg is not provided scroll helm-scroll-amount lines. See scroll-other-window-down.



M-a (helm-mark-all)

(helm-mark-all &optional ALL)

Mark all visible unmarked candidates in current source.

With a prefix arg mark all visible unmarked candidates in all sources.

M-U (helm-unmark-all)

Unmark all candidates in all sources of current helm session.

C-@ (helm-toggle-visible-mark)

(helm-toggle-visible-mark ARG)

Toggle Helm visible mark at point ARG times. If ARG is negative toggle backward.

M-m (helm-toggle-all-marks)

(helm-toggle-all-marks &optional ALL)

Toggle all marks.

Mark all visible candidates of current source or unmark all candidates visible or invisible in all sources of current Helm session.

With a prefix argument mark all candidates in all sources.

M-SPC (helm-toggle-visible-mark-backward)
C-SPC (helm-toggle-visible-mark-forward)

Act on Selected Candidates

C-c TAB (helm-copy-to-buffer)

Copy selection or marked candidates to helm-current-buffer. Note that the real values of candidates are copied and not the display values.

C-c C-k (helm-kill-selection-and-quit)

(helm-kill-selection-and-quit ARG)

Store display value of current selection to kill ring. With a prefix arg use real value of current selection. Display value is shown in helm-buffer and real value is used to perform actions.

C-c C-y (helm-yank-selection)

(helm-yank-selection ARG)

Set minibuffer contents to current display selection. With a prefix arg set to real value of current selection.

Move and Act

C-<up> (helm-follow-action-backward)

Go to previous line and execute persistent action.

C-<down> (helm-follow-action-forward)

Go to next line and execute persistent action.

Resume Previous Session (after quitting)

C-x b (helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit)

Resume previous Helm session within a running Helm.

Suspend Update of Candidates

C-! (helm-toggle-suspend-update)

Enable or disable display update in helm. This can be useful for example for quietly writing a complex regexp without Helm constantly updating.

Helm Refresh

C-c C-u (helm-refresh)

Force recalculation and update of candidates.

Find file after Quit

C-x C-f (helm-quit-and-find-file)

Drop into helm-find-files from helm. If current selection is a buffer or a file, helm-find-files from its directory.

List Buffers after Quitting

C-x C-b (helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit)

List Helm buffers that can be resumed within a running Helm.

Debug Helm

C-h C-d (helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug)

First hit enable helm debugging, second hit switch to debug buffer.

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1.1.3 Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)



Open Helm log file or buffer of last Helm session.


Show all Helm-related variables at this time.



(helm-menu-select-action EVENT)

Popup action menu from mouse-3.


(helm-mouse-select-candidate EVENT)



Cycle in helm-buffers list and resume when waiting more than 1.2s.

C-x c b (helm-resume)

(helm-resume ARG)

Resume a previous Helm session. Call with a prefix arg to choose among existing Helm buffers (sessions). When calling from Lisp, specify a buffer-name as a string with ARG.


Same as helm-cycle-resume but intended to be called only from Helm.



Customize Helm.


Maybe ask for confirmation when exiting helm. It is similar to minibuffer-complete-and-exit adapted to Helm. If minibuffer-completion-confirm value is ’confirm, send minibuffer confirm message and exit on next hit. If minibuffer-completion-confirm value is t, don’t exit and send message ’no match’.


(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.


Toggle resplit helm window, vertically or horizontally.

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1.1.4 Options in library ‘helm



Standard Value: 5

Value of tramp-connection-min-time-diff for Helm remote processes. If set to zero Helm remote processes are not delayed.

Setting this to a value less than 5 or disabling it with a zero value is risky, however on Emacs versions starting at 24.5 it seems it is now possible to disable it.

Anyway at any time in Helm you can suspend your processes while typing by hitting C-!.

Only async sources than use a sentinel calling helm-process-deferred-sentinel-hook are affected by this.



Standard Value: nil

When non-nil Helm uses two windows in this frame.

I.e. helm-buffer in one window and helm-current-buffer in the other.

Note: this has no effect when helm-split-window-inside-p is non-nil, or when helm-split-window-default-side is set to ’same.

When helm-autoresize-mode is enabled, setting this to nil will have no effect.

Also when non-nil it overrides the effect of helm-split-window-default-side set to other.



Standard Value:

(set-window-configuration . current-window-configuration)

Functions used to restore or save configurations for frames and windows. Specified as a pair of functions, where car is the restore function and cdr is the save function.

To save and restore frame configuration, set this variable to ’(set-frame-configuration . current-frame-configuration)

NOTE: This may not work properly with own-frame minibuffer settings. Older versions saves/restores frame configuration, but the default has changed now to avoid flickering.



Standard Value: 100

Global limit for number of candidates displayed. When the pattern is empty, the number of candidates shown will be as set here instead of the entire list, which may be hundreds or thousands. Since narrowing and filtering rapidly reduces available candidates, having a small list will keep the interface responsive.

Set this value to nil for no limit.


Standard Value: ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

Candidates separator of multiline source.



Standard Value: t

When non-nil, helm-delete-minibuffer-contents deletes region from point. Otherwise it deletes minibuffer-contents. See documentation for helm-delete-minibuffer-contents.


Standard Value: t

Prevent escaping from minibuffer with other-window during the Helm session.



Standard Value: 0

left-margin-width value for the helm-buffer.



Standard Value: 1.0

Delay used before resuming in helm-run-cycle-resume.


Standard Value: 0

Idle time before exiting minibuffer while Helm is updating. Has no affect when helm-buffer is up to date (i.e. exit without delay in this condition).



Standard Value: nil

Allow mouse usage during the Helm session when non-nil.

Note that this also allows moving out of minibuffer when clicking outside of helm-buffer, so it is up to you to get back to Helm by clicking back in helm-buffer or minibuffer.



Standard Value: nil

A list of source names to have follow enabled. This list of source names will be used only when helm-follow-mode-persistent is non-nil.

You don’t have to customize this yourself unless you really want and know what you are doing, instead just set helm-follow-mode-persistent to non-nil and as soon as you turn on or off helm-follow-mode (C-c C-f) in a source, Helm will save or remove source name in this variable.



Standard Value: smart

Adds ’smart’ option to case-fold-search. Smart option ignores case for searches as long as there are no upper case characters in the pattern.

Use nil or t to turn off smart behavior and use case-fold-search behavior.

Default is smart.

NOTE: Case fold search has no effect when searching asynchronous sources, which relies on customized features implemented directly into their execution process. See helm-grep.el for an example.


Standard Value: smart

Local setting of helm-case-fold-search for reading filenames.

See helm-case-fold-search for more info.



Standard Value: C-x %d

The prefix key to execute default action on nth <-n> candidate.

This is a format spec where %d will be replaced by the candidate number.

NOTE: setq have no effect until you restart Emacs, use customize for immediate effect.


Standard Value: C-c %d

The prefix key to execute default action on nth <+n> candidate.

This is a format spec where %d will be replaced by the candidate number.

NOTE: setq have no effect until you restart Emacs, use customize for immediate effect.



Standard Value: helm-fuzzy-match

The function for fuzzy matching in helm-source-sync based sources.


Standard Value: helm-fuzzy-default-highlight-match

The function to highlight fuzzy matches.


Standard Value: helm-fuzzy-search

The function for fuzzy matching in helm-source-in-buffer based sources.


Standard Value: helm-fuzzy-matching-default-sort-fn

The sort transformer function used in fuzzy matching.



Standard Value: 40

Specify maximum height and defaults to percent of Helm window’s frame height.

See fit-window-to-buffer for more infos.


Standard Value: 10

Specify minimum height and defaults to percent of Helm window’s frame height.

If nil, window-min-height is used. See fit-window-to-buffer for details.



Standard Value: left-fringe

Specify the space before prompt in header-line.

This will be used when helm-echo-input-in-header-line is non-nil.

Value can be one of the symbols ’left-fringe or ’left-margin or an integer specifying the number of spaces before prompt. Note that on input longer that window-width the continuation string will be shown on left side of window without taking care of this.


Standard Value: nil

Cycle to the beginning or end of the list after reaching the bottom or top. This applies when using helm-next/previous-line.



Standard Value: nil

Send current input to header-line when non-nil.


Standard Value: t

Inherit current-input-method from current-buffer when non-nil. The default is to enable this by default and then toggle toggle-input-method.


Standard Value: 0.01

Idle time before updating, specified in seconds.


Standard Value: nil

The default value for input-method-verbose-flag used in Helm minibuffer. It is nil by default, which does not turn off input method. Helm updates and exits without interruption – necessary for complex methods.

If set to any other value as per input-method-verbose-flag, then use C-\ to disable the current-input-method to exit or update Helm.



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm--minor-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm--remap-mouse-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-autoresize-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

When non-nil, save last state of helm-follow-mode for the next Emacs sessions.

Each time you turn on or off helm-follow-mode, the current source name will be stored or removed from helm-source-names-using-follow.

Note that this may be disabled in some places where it is unsafe to use because persistent action is changing according to context.



Standard Value:

(helm-source-imenu helm-source-imenu-all helm-source-info-elisp helm-source-etags-select helm-source-man-pages helm-source-occur helm-source-moccur helm-source-grep-ag helm-source-grep-git helm-source-grep)

List of Helm sources that need to use helm-maybe-use-default-as-input. When a source is a member of this list, default thing-at-point will be used as input.

Frame Use


Standard Value: nil

Display Helm buffer in frame when more than two windows.


Standard Value: t

Display Helm frame undecorated when non nil.

This option has no effect with Emacs versions lower than 26.

Frame Color


Standard Value: nil

Background color for Helm frames, a string. Fallback to default face background when nil.


Standard Value: nil

Foreground color for Helm frames, a string. Fallback to default face foreground when nil

Frame uncategorized


Standard Value: t

Actions inherit Helm frame settings of initial command when non nil.


Standard Value: nil

A list of commands where helm-buffer is displayed in a frame.


Standard Value: nil

Alpha parameter for Helm frames, an integer. Fallback to 100 when nil.


Standard Value: nil

Use current window for showing candidates. If t, then Helm does not pop-up a new window.

Window When


Standard Value: nil

Display Helm buffer in frame when Helm is started from a dedicated window.

Window Other


Standard Value: nil

Show action buffer beside helm-buffer when non-nil.

If nil don’t split and replace helm-buffer by the action buffer in same window. If left display the action buffer at the left of helm-buffer. If right or any other value, split at right.

Note that this may not fit well with some Helm window configurations, so it have only effect when helm-always-two-windows is non-nil.

Window Split


Standard Value: nil

Use the same state of window split, vertical or horizontal. helm-toggle-resplit-window for the next helm session will use the same window scheme as the previous session unless helm-split-window-default-side is ’same or ’other.


Standard Value: below

The default side to display helm-buffer. Must be one acceptable arg for split-window SIDE, that is below, above, left or right.

Other acceptable values are same which always displays helm-buffer in current window and other that displays helm-buffer below if only one window or in other-window-for-scrolling when available.

A nil value has same effect as below. If helm-full-frame is non-nil, it take precedence over this setting.

See also helm-split-window-inside-p and helm-always-two-windows that take precedence over this.

NOTE: this has no effect if helm-split-window-preferred-function is not helm-split-window-default-fn unless this new function can handle this.


Standard Value: nil

Force split inside selected window when non-nil. See also helm-split-window-default-side.

NOTE: this has no effect if helm-split-window-preferred-function is not helm-split-window-default-fn unless this new function can handle this.


Standard Value: nil

Force split inside selected window when non-nil. See also helm-split-window-default-side.

NOTE: this has no effect if helm-split-window-preferred-function is not helm-split-window-default-fn unless this new function can handle this.


Standard Value: below

The default side to display helm-buffer when (1) helm-split-window-default-side is ’other and (2) the current frame only has one window. Possible values are acceptable args for split-window SIDE, that is below, above, left or right.

If helm-full-frame is non-nil, it takes precedence over this setting.

See also helm-split-window-inside-p and helm-always-two-windows that takes precedence over this.

NOTE: this has no effect if helm-split-window-preferred-function is not helm-split-window-default-fn unless this new function can handle this.


Standard Value: helm-split-window-default-fn

Default function used for splitting window.

Window uncategorized


Standard Value: 5

scroll-margin to use for Helm completion window. Set to 0 to disable. NOTE: This has no effect when helm-display-source-at-screen-top id is non-nil.

Display Line


Standard Value: t

Display header-line when non nil.


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-display-line-numbers-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Display Function


Standard Value: helm-default-display-buffer

Function used to display helm-buffer.

Local value in helm-buffer will take precedence on this default value. Commands that are in helm-commands-using-frame will have helm-buffer displayed in frame, helm-display-function being ignored. If no local value is found and current command is not one of helm-commands-using-frame use this default value. The function in charge of deciding which value use is helm-resolve-display-function.

To set it locally to helm-buffer in Helm sources use helm-set-local-variable in init function or use :display-function slot in helm call.

Display Default


Standard Value: helm-set-default-prompt-display

The function to use to set face of fake cursor in header-line.

Display Buffer Width


Standard Value: 72

Frame width when displaying helm-buffer in own frame.

Display Buffer Height


Standard Value: 20

Frame height when displaying helm-buffer in own frame.

Display Buffer Default


Standard Value: nil

Additional alist to pass to display-buffer action. See (info “(elisp) Action Alists for Buffer Display”).

It has no effect when helm-always-two-windows is non-nil and may override other settings like helm-split-window-inside-p. Note that window-height and window-width have to be configured in helm-display-buffer-height and helm-display-buffer-width.


Standard Value: nil

Action functions to pass to display-buffer. See (info “(elisp) Action Functions for Buffer Display”).

It has no effect when helm-always-two-windows is non-nil and may override other settings like helm-split-window-inside-p.


Standard Value: nil

Initial height of helm-buffer, specified as an integer or a function.

The function should take one arg and be responsible for re-sizing the window; function’s return value is ignored. Note that this has no effect when the split is vertical. See display-buffer for more info.


Standard Value: nil

Initial width of helm-buffer, specified as an integer or a function.

The function should take one arg and be responsible for re-sizing the window; function’s return value is ignored. Note that this have no effect when the split is horizontal. See display-buffer for more info.

Display Buffer uncategorized


Standard Value: nil

When non nil Helm frame is not deleted and reused in next sessions.

This was used to workaround a bug in Emacs where frames where popping up slowly, now that the bug have been fixed upstream (emacs-27) probably you don’t want to use this any more. On emacs-26 set x-wait-for-event-timeout to nil to have your frames popping up fast.

Display uncategorized


Standard Value: t

Display candidates at the top of screen. This happens with helm-next-source and helm-previous-source. NOTE: When non-nil (default), disable helm-completion-window-scroll-margin.



Standard Value: nil

(helm–remap-mouse-mode &optional ARG)

[INTERNAL] Prevent escaping helm minibuffer with mouse clicks. Do nothing when used outside of helm context.

If called interactively, toggle Helm--Remap-Mouse mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

WARNING: Do not use this mode yourself, it is internal to Helm.


Standard Value: nil

(helm-autoresize-mode &optional ARG)

Auto resize helm window when enabled. Helm window is re-sized according to helm-autoresize-max-height and helm-autoresize-min-height. Note that when this mode is enabled, Helm behaves as if helm-always-two-windows is enabled.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Autoresize mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

See fit-window-to-buffer for more infos.



Standard Value: nil

When non-nil, save Helm log messages to a file in this directory. When nil log messages are saved to a buffer instead. Log message are saved only when helm-debug is non-nil, so setting this doesn’t enable debugging by itself.

See helm-log-save-maybe for more info.


Standard Value: nil

Use current window for showing candidates. If t, then Helm does not pop-up a new window.


Standard Value: nil

The value of truncate-lines when Helm starts. You can toggle later truncate-lines with C-c >.

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1.1.5 Hooks in library ‘helm



Standard Value:



Standard Value:



Standard Value:



Standard Value:


Standard Value:

((helm--hook94 . helm-after-update-hook))

Store temporary hooks added by with-helm-temp-hook.



Standard Value:


Runs just before exiting the minibuffer.

This hook runs when Helm exits the minibuffer normally (e.g., via candidate selection), but does NOT run if Helm exits the minibuffer abnormally (e.g. via helm-keyboard-quit).


Standard Value: nil

Hook that runs at minibuffer initialization. A hook useful for modifying minibuffer settings in Helm.

An example that hides the minibuffer when using helm-echo-input-in-header-line:

(add-hook ’helm-minibuffer-set-up-hook #’helm-hide-minibuffer-maybe)

Note that we check helm-echo-input-in-header-line value from helm-buffer which allows detecting possible local value of this var.



Standard Value:



Standard Value: nil

Runs before Helm initialization. This hook runs before init functions in helm-sources, which is before creation of helm-buffer. Set local variables for helm-buffer that need a value from current-buffer with helm-set-local-variable.


Standard Value: nil

Runs before moving selection in helm-buffer.



Standard Value: nil

Runs before updating the Helm buffer with the new input pattern.


Standard Value:

(helm--maybe-update-keymap helm-match-line-cleanup-maybe helm-revive-visible-mark helm-confirm-and-exit-hook)

Runs after updating the Helm buffer with the new input pattern.



Standard Value:


Runs before executing action. Unlike helm-cleanup-hook, this hook runs before Helm closes the minibuffer and also before performing an action.


Standard Value: nil

Runs when opening the action buffer.



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm--minor-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm--remap-mouse-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-autoresize-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-display-line-numbers-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering Hmm mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

After Action


Standard Value:


Runs after executing action.


Standard Value:

(helm-find-files--reset-level-tree helm-match-line-update helm-persistent-autoresize-hook)

Runs after executing persistent action.

After Update


Standard Value:

(helm--maybe-update-keymap helm-match-line-cleanup-maybe helm-revive-visible-mark helm-confirm-and-exit-hook)

Runs after updating the Helm buffer with the new input pattern.


Standard Value:

After uncategorized


Standard Value:


Runs after Helm initialization. This hook runs after helm-buffer is created but not from helm-buffer. The hook needs to specify in which buffer to run.


Standard Value: nil

Runs after pre-selection in helm-buffer.


Standard Value: nil

Runs after moving selection in helm-buffer.


Standard Value:


A hook that runs after resuming a Helm session. The hook should takes one arg SOURCES.



Standard Value: nil

A hook that runs in async sources when process output comes out of candidate-number-limit. Should be set locally to helm-buffer with helm-set-local-variable.


Standard Value:

(helm-ff-save-history helm-find-files--reset-level-tree helm-match-line-cleanup helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers helm-reset-yank-point)

Runs after exiting the minibuffer and before performing an action.

This hook runs even if Helm exits the minibuffer abnormally (e.g. via helm-keyboard-quit).


Standard Value:


Standard Value: nil

A hook that runs when quitting Helm.


Standard Value: nil

Runs when switching to and from the action buffer. Should run also at end of helm-display-function.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.2 Library: helm-adaptive

Next: , Up: Library helm-adaptive   [Contents][Index]

1.2.1 Modes in library helm-adaptive



(helm-adaptive-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle adaptive sorting in all sources.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Adaptive mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-adaptive   [Contents][Index]

1.2.2 Commands in library helm-adaptive (excludes keymaps)



(helm-adaptive-save-history &optional ARG)

Save history information to the file given by helm-adaptive-history-file.


Delete all helm-adaptive-history and his file. Useful when you have a old or corrupted helm-adaptive-history-file.



(helm-adaptive-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle adaptive sorting in all sources.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Adaptive mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-adaptive   [Contents][Index]

1.2.3 Options in library ‘helm-adaptive



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-adaptive-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)



Standard Value: ~/.emacs.d/helm-adaptive-history

Path of file where history information is stored. When nil history is not saved nor restored after Emacs restart unless you save/restore helm-adaptive-history with something else like psession or desktop.


Standard Value: 50

Maximum number of candidates stored for a source.



Standard Value: nil

(helm-adaptive-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle adaptive sorting in all sources.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Adaptive mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value: t

Try to sort on an average of frequent and recent usage when non-nil.

When nil sort on frequency usage only.

Only frequency: When candidate have low frequency, you have to hit on it many times to make it going up on top.

Frequency+recent: Even with a low frequency, candidate go up on top. If a candidate have a high frequency but it is not used since some time, it goes down slowly, but as soon you reuse it it go up on top quickly.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-adaptive   [Contents][Index]

1.2.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-adaptive



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-adaptive-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.3 Library: helm-bookmark

Next: , Up: Library helm-bookmark   [Contents][Index]

1.3.1 Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-find-files-map


C-x C-d (helm-bookmark-run-browse-project)

Run helm-bookmark-browse-project from keyboard.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-bookmark   [Contents][Index]

1.3.2 Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map


C-d (helm-bookmark-run-delete)

Delete bookmark from keyboard.

M-e (helm-bookmark-run-edit)

Run helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark from keyboard.

C-c C-o (helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-frame)

Jump to bookmark other frame from keyboard.

C-c o (helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window)

Jump to bookmark from keyboard.

C-] (helm-bookmark-toggle-filename)

Toggle bookmark location visibility.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-bookmark   [Contents][Index]

1.3.3 Commands in library helm-bookmark (excludes keymaps)



Preconfigured helm for bookmarks.

C-x c C-x r b (helm-filtered-bookmarks)

Preconfigured helm for bookmarks (filtered by category). Optional source helm-source-bookmark-addressbook is loaded only if external addressbook-bookmark package is installed.



(helm-bookmark-rename OLD &optional NEW BATCH)

Change bookmark’s name from OLD to NEW. Interactively: If called from the keyboard, then prompt for OLD. If called from the menubar, select OLD from a menu. If NEW is nil, then prompt for its string value.

If BATCH is non-nil, then do not rebuild the menu list.

While the user enters the new name, repeated C-w inserts consecutive words from the buffer into the new bookmark name.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-bookmark   [Contents][Index]

1.3.4 Options in library ‘helm-bookmark



Standard Value:

(helm-source-bookmark-org helm-source-bookmark-files&dirs helm-source-bookmark-helm-find-files helm-source-bookmark-info helm-source-bookmark-gnus helm-source-bookmark-man helm-source-bookmark-images helm-source-bookmark-w3m helm-source-bookmark-uncategorized helm-source-bookmark-set)

List of sources to use in helm-filtered-bookmarks.


Standard Value: nil

Show location of bookmark on display.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.4 Library: helm-buffers

Next: , Up: Library helm-buffers   [Contents][Index]

1.4.1 Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map

Control what you see

C-c a (helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers)
C-] (helm-toggle-buffers-details)

Browse Project

C-x C-d (helm-buffers-run-browse-project)

Run helm-buffers-browse-project from key.

Switch to Buffer in other frame, window or tab

C-c C-o (helm-buffer-switch-other-frame)

Run switch to other frame action from helm-source-buffers-list.

C-c o (helm-buffer-switch-other-window)

Run switch to other window action from helm-source-buffers-list.

C-c C-t (helm-buffers-switch-to-buffer-new-tab)

Run switch to buffer in other tab action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Run Occur

C-s (helm-buffers-run-occur)

Run helm-multi-occur-as-action by key.

Query Replace on Buffers’ contents

M-% (helm-buffer-run-query-replace)

Run Query replace action from helm-source-buffers-list.

C-M-% (helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp)

Run Query replace regexp action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Mark similar Buffers

C-M-SPC (helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers)

Mark All buffers that have same property type than current. I.e. same color.

Save Buffer

C-x C-s (helm-buffer-save-persistent)

Save buffer without quitting Helm.

C-x s (helm-buffer-run-save-some-buffers)

Save unsaved file buffers without quitting Helm.

Run Diff and friends

C-= (helm-buffer-diff-persistent)

Toggle diff buffer without quitting helm.

C-c = (helm-buffer-run-ediff)

Run ediff action from helm-source-buffers-list.

M-= (helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge)

Run ediff action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Kill Buffers

C-c d (helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent)

Kill buffer without quitting Helm.

M-D (helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers)

Run kill buffer action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Rename Buffer

M-R (helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer)

Run rename buffer action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Revert Buffer

M-G (helm-buffer-revert-persistent)

Revert buffer without quitting helm.

Goto line

M-g M-g (helm-buffer-run-goto-line)

Switch to buffer at line number.

Run ZGrep

M-g s (helm-buffer-run-zgrep)

Run Grep action from helm-source-buffers-list.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-buffers   [Contents][Index]

1.4.2 Commands in keymap helm-buffer-not-found-map

Create new Buffers in other frame or window

C-c C-o (helm-buffers-not-found-run-switch-of)

Run create new buffer other frame action from keymap.

C-c o (helm-buffers-not-found-run-switch-ow)

Run create new buffer other window action from keymap.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-buffers   [Contents][Index]

1.4.3 Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)



Preconfigured helm displaying helm-mini-default-sources.


Drop into helm-mini from helm.



Run Grep action from helm-source-buffers-list.

C-x c C-x C-b
C-x C-b (helm-buffers-list)

Preconfigured helm to list buffers.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-buffers   [Contents][Index]

1.4.4 Options in library ‘helm-buffers

Buffer List


Standard Value:

("\\` " "\\`\\*helm" "\\`\\*Echo Area" "\\`\\*Minibuf")

The regexp list that match boring buffers. Buffer candidates matching these regular expression will be filtered from the list of candidates if the helm-skip-boring-buffers candidate transformer is used.


Standard Value: helm-buffers-reorder-buffer-list

A function in charge of ordering the initial buffer list. It takes two arguments VISIBLES buffers and OTHERS buffers. Arg VISIBLES handles the buffers visibles in this frame. Arg OTHERS handles all the other buffers. You can write a function that reorder VISIBLES and OTHERS as you want. Default function returns OTHERS buffers on top and VISIBLES buffer at the end. See helm-buffers-reorder-buffer-list.


Standard Value: nil

The regexp list of not boring buffers. These buffers will be displayed even if they match one of helm-boring-buffer-regexp-list.

Buffer uncategorized


Standard Value:

((dired-mode . "Dired")
 (lisp-interaction-mode . "Lisp Inter"))

An alist specifying pretty names for modes. Most of the time buffer’s mode-name is a string so no need to add it here as there is no need to compute it, but sometimes it may be a mode-line specification which may be costly to compute, in this case add here the pretty name as a string to avoid this costly computation. Also if some pretty names are too long you can add your own abbreviation here.


Standard Value: t

Always show details in buffer list when non-nil.


Standard Value: 20

Max length of buffer names before truncate. When disabled (nil) use the longest buffer-name length found.


Standard Value: nil

Ignore checking for file-exists-p on remote files.

Buffers uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized


Standard Value:

Separator for columns in buffer listing.


Standard Value: …

The string to display at end of truncated buffer names.


Standard Value:

(lisp-interaction-mode emacs-lisp-mode text-mode org-mode)

List of preferred mode to open new buffers with.


Standard Value: nil

Fuzzy matching buffer names when non-nil. Only buffer names are fuzzy matched when this is enabled, major-mode matching is not affected by this.


Standard Value: 0

left-margin-width value for helm-mini and helm-buffers-list.


Standard Value: nil

Switch to buffer in its tab when non nil. This has no effect when tab-bar-mode is not available.


Standard Value: helm-fuzzy-matching-default-sort-fn

The sort function to use in helm-buffers-list.

Default to helm-fuzzy-sort-fn you can use helm-fuzzy-matching-sort-fn-preserve-ties-order as alternative if you want to keep the recentest order when narrowing candidates.


Standard Value: t

Truncate lines in helm-buffers-list when non-nil.



Standard Value:

(helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found)

Default sources list used in helm-mini.

When adding a source here it is up to you to ensure the library of this source is accessible and properly loaded.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.5 Library: helm-color

Next: , Up: Library helm-color   [Contents][Index]

1.5.1 Commands in keymap helm-color-map


C-c n (helm-color-run-insert-name)

Insert name of color from helm-source-colors.

C-c r (helm-color-run-insert-rgb)

Insert RGB of color from helm-source-colors.

C-c N (helm-color-run-kill-name)

Kill name of color from helm-source-colors.

C-c R (helm-color-run-kill-rgb)

Kill RGB of color from helm-source-colors.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-color   [Contents][Index]

1.5.2 Commands in library helm-color (excludes keymaps)


C-x c c (helm-colors)

Preconfigured helm for color.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.6 Library: helm-comint

Next: , Up: Library helm-comint   [Contents][Index]

1.6.1 Commands in keymap helm-comint-prompts-keymap


C-c C-o (helm-comint-prompts-other-frame)
C-c o (helm-comint-prompts-other-window)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-comint   [Contents][Index]

1.6.2 Commands in library helm-comint (excludes keymaps)



Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of the current comint buffer.


Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of all comint sessions.



Preconfigured helm that provide completion of comint history.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-comint   [Contents][Index]

1.6.3 Options in library ‘helm-comint



Standard Value: 400

Max number of chars displayed per candidate in comint-input-ring browser. When t, don’t truncate candidate, show all. By default it is approximatively the number of bits contained in five lines of 80 chars each i.e 80*5. Note that if you set this to nil multiline will be disabled, i.e you will not have anymore separators between candidates.


Standard Value:

(comint-mode slime-repl-mode sly-mrepl-mode sql-interactive-mode)

Supported modes for prompt navigation. Derived modes (e.g., Geiser’s REPL) are automatically supported.


Standard Value:

((sly-mrepl-mode lambda nil

Alist of (MODE . NEXT-PROMPT-FUNCTION) to use. If the current major mode is a key in this list, the associated function will be used to navigate the prompts. The function must return the point after the prompt. Otherwise (comint-next-prompt 1) will be used.


Standard Value: t

Show prompt number.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.7 Library: helm-command

Next: , Up: Library helm-command   [Contents][Index]

1.7.1 Commands in keymap helm-M-x-map


C-u (helm-M-x-universal-argument)

Same as universal-argument but for helm-M-x.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-command   [Contents][Index]

1.7.2 Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)


C-x c M-x
M-x (helm-M-x)

(helm-M-x ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs commands. It is helm replacement of regular M-x execute-extended-command.

Unlike regular M-x Emacs vanilla execute-extended-command command, the prefix args if needed, can be passed AFTER starting helm-M-x. When a prefix arg is passed BEFORE starting helm-M-x, the first C-u while in helm-M-x session will disable it.

You can get help on each command by persistent action.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-command   [Contents][Index]

1.7.3 Options in library ‘helm-command



Standard Value: nil

helm-M-x save command in extended-command-history even when it fails.


Standard Value: nil

The history source of helm-M-x appear in second position when non-nil.


Standard Value: nil

Use completion-styles and dynamic completion when non nil. It is disable by default as it is a regression starting from Emacs-27.



Standard Value: t

(helm-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle generic helm completion.

If called interactively, toggle Helm mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

All functions in Emacs that use completing-read, read-file-name, completion-in-region and friends will use helm interface when this mode is turned on.

However you can modify this behavior for functions of your choice with helm-completing-read-handlers-alist.

Called with a positive arg, turn on unconditionally, with a negative arg turn off. You can toggle it with M-x helm-mode.

About ido-mode: DO NOT enable ido-everywhere when using helm-mode. Instead of using ido-mode, add the commands where you want to use ido to helm-completing-read-handlers-alist with ido as value.

Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-command   [Contents][Index]

1.7.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-command



Standard Value:


Standard Value:

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.8 Library: helm-config

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.9 Library: helm-dabbrev

Next: , Up: Library helm-dabbrev   [Contents][Index]

1.9.1 Commands in library helm-dabbrev (excludes keymaps)


M-/ (helm-dabbrev)

Preconfigured helm for dynamic abbreviations.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-dabbrev   [Contents][Index]

1.9.2 Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev



Standard Value: t

Always search in all buffers when non–nil. Note that even if nil, a search in all buffers will occur if the length of candidates is <= than helm-dabbrev-max-length-result.


Standard Value: smart

Set case-fold-search in helm-dabbrev. Same as helm-case-fold-search but for helm-dabbrev. Note that this is not affecting searching in Helm buffer, but the initial search for all candidates in buffer(s).



Standard Value: 1000

Maximum number of candidates to collect.

The higher this number is, the slower the computation of candidates will be. You can use safely a higher value with emacs-26+. Note that this have nothing to do with helm-candidate-number-limit, this means that computation of candidates stop when this value is reached but only helm-candidate-number-limit candidates are displayed in the Helm buffer.


Standard Value: 5

Number of time helm-dabbrev cycle before displaying helm completion. When nil or 0 disable cycling.


Standard Value:

("\\*helm" "\\*Messages" "\\*Echo Area" "\\*Buffer List")

List of regexps matching names of buffers that helm-dabbrev should not check.


Standard Value: 30

Search first in this number of lines before and after point.


Standard Value: nil

Major mode association alist.

This allow helm-dabbrev searching in buffers with the associated major-mode. E.g. (emacs-lisp-mode . lisp-interaction-mode)

will allow searching in the lisp-interaction-mode buffer when current-buffer is an emacs-lisp-mode buffer and vice versa i.e. no need to provide (lisp-interaction-mode . emacs-lisp-mode) association.

When nil check is the searched buffer has same major-mode than the current-buffer.

This has no effect when helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn is nil or of course bound to a function that doesn’t handle this var.


Standard Value: helm-dabbrev–same-major-mode-p

A function that decide if a buffer to search in its related to current-buffer.

This is actually determined by comparing major-mode of the buffer to search and the current-buffer.

The function take one arg, the buffer which is current, look at helm-dabbrev--same-major-mode-p for an example.

When nil all buffers are considered related to current-buffer.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.10 Library: helm-easymenu

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.11 Library: helm-elisp

Next: , Up: Library helm-elisp   [Contents][Index]

1.11.1 Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)





(helm-complete-file-name-at-point &optional FORCE)

Preconfigured Helm to complete file name at point.

C-x c <tab> (helm-lisp-completion-at-point)

Preconfigured Helm for Lisp symbol completion at point.


Preconfigured Helm to complete Lisp symbol or filename at point. Filename completion happens if string start after or between a double quote.


C-x c a
C-h a
<f1> a
<help> a (helm-apropos)

(helm-apropos DEFAULT)

Preconfigured Helm to describe commands, functions, variables and faces. In non interactives calls DEFAULT argument should be provided as a string, i.e. the symbol-name of any existing symbol.


Preconfigured helm for complex command history.


Preconfigured helm to locate elisp libraries.


Preconfigured helm to disable/enable function advices.


Preconfigured helm for timers.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-elisp   [Contents][Index]

1.11.2 Options in library ‘helm-elisp



Standard Value: t

Enable fuzzy-matching in helm-locate-library when non–nil.



Standard Value:

(helm-source-info-elisp helm-source-info-cl helm-source-info-eieio)

A list of sources to look into when searching info page of a symbol.


Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching for helm-apropos when non-nil.



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in emacs-lisp completion when non-nil. NOTE: This enables fuzzy matching in Helm native implementation of elisp completion, but not on helmized elisp completion, i.e. fuzzy completion is not available in completion-at-point.


Standard Value: 7

Minimum completion window height used in show completion. This is used in macro with-helm-show-completion.


Standard Value: t

Display candidate in current-buffer while moving selection when non–nil.



Standard Value:

(helm-def-source--emacs-commands helm-def-source--emacs-functions helm-def-source--eieio-classes helm-def-source--eieio-generic helm-def-source--emacs-variables helm-def-source--emacs-faces)

A list of functions that build helm sources to use in helm-apropos.


Standard Value: helm-elisp-show-help

Function for displaying help for Lisp symbols.


Standard Value:

(funcall apply mapc cl-mapc mapcar cl-mapcar callf callf2 cl-callf cl-callf2 fset fboundp fmakunbound symbol-function)

List of function where quoted function completion happen. E.g. give only function names after (funcall ’.


Standard Value:


List of function where unquoted function completion happen. E.g. give only function names after (function .


Standard Value: helm-display-buffer-in-own-frame

The function used to display helm completion buffer.

This function is used by with-helm-show-completion, when nil fallback to helm-default-display-buffer.

Default is to use a separate frame on graphic display and helm-show-completion-default-display-function on non graphic display.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.12 Library: helm-elisp-package

Next: , Up: Library helm-elisp-package   [Contents][Index]

1.12.1 Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map

uncategorized Run

C-c @ (helm-el-run-visit-homepage)

uncategorized Package Run

C-c i (helm-el-run-package-install)
C-c r (helm-el-run-package-reinstall)
C-c d (helm-el-run-package-uninstall)
C-c u (helm-el-run-package-upgrade)
C-c U (helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all)

uncategorized Package Show

M-A (helm-el-package-show-all)
M-B (helm-el-package-show-built-in)
M-I (helm-el-package-show-installed)
M-O (helm-el-package-show-uninstalled)
M-U (helm-el-package-show-upgrade)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-elisp-package   [Contents][Index]

1.12.2 Commands in library helm-elisp-package (excludes keymaps)


C-x c @ (helm-list-elisp-packages)

(helm-list-elisp-packages ARG)

Preconfigured helm for listing and handling Emacs packages.


(helm-list-elisp-packages-no-fetch ARG)

Preconfigured Helm for Emacs packages.

Same as helm-list-elisp-packages but don’t fetch packages on remote. Called with a prefix ARG always fetch packages on remote.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-elisp-package   [Contents][Index]

1.12.3 Options in library ‘helm-elisp-package



Standard Value: nil

Try to autoremove no more needed packages on startup. See package-autoremove.


Standard Value: all

Show only installed, upgraded or all packages at startup.


Standard Value: nil

Show package upgrades on startup when non nil.



Standard Value: t

Truncate lines in helm-buffer when non-nil.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.13 Library: helm-epa

Next: , Up: Library helm-epa   [Contents][Index]

1.13.1 Modes in library helm-epa



(helm-epa-mode &optional ARG)

Enable helm completion on gpg keys in epa functions.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Epa mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-epa   [Contents][Index]

1.13.2 Commands in library helm-epa (excludes keymaps)



(helm-epa-mode &optional ARG)

Enable helm completion on gpg keys in epa functions.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Epa mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



List all gpg keys. This is the helm interface for epa-list-keys.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-epa   [Contents][Index]

1.13.3 Options in library ‘helm-epa



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-epa-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)



Standard Value: nil

(helm-epa-mode &optional ARG)

Enable helm completion on gpg keys in epa functions.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Epa mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value:

(("Show key" . epa--show-key)
 ("encrypt file with key" . helm-epa-encrypt-file)
 ("Copy keys to kill ring" . helm-epa-kill-keys-armor)
 ("Delete keys" . helm-epa-delete-keys))

Actions for helm-epa-list-keys.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-epa   [Contents][Index]

1.13.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-epa



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-epa-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.14 Library: helm-eshell

Next: , Up: Library helm-eshell   [Contents][Index]

1.14.1 Commands in keymap helm-eshell-prompts-keymap


C-c C-o (helm-eshell-prompts-other-frame)
C-c o (helm-eshell-prompts-other-window)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-eshell   [Contents][Index]

1.14.2 Commands in library helm-eshell (excludes keymaps)



Preconfigured Helm for Eshell history.


Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of the current Eshell.


Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of all Eshell sessions.



Preconfigured helm to provide Helm completion in Eshell.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-eshell   [Contents][Index]

1.14.3 Options in library ‘helm-eshell



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-esh-pcomplete when non-nil.


Standard Value: t

Show prompt number.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-eshell   [Contents][Index]

1.14.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-eshell



Standard Value:

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.15 Library: helm-eval

Next: , Up: Library helm-eval   [Contents][Index]

1.15.1 Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

uncategorized Helm

C-x c <tab> (helm-lisp-completion-at-point)

Preconfigured Helm for Lisp symbol completion at point.

uncategorized Char

C-b (backward-char)

(backward-char &optional N)

Move point N characters backward (forward if N is negative). On attempt to pass beginning or end of buffer, stop and signal error. Interactively, N is the numeric prefix argument. If N is omitted or nil, move point 1 character backward.

Depending on the bidirectional context, the movement may be to the right or to the left on the screen. This is in contrast with \[left-char], which see.

C-f (forward-char)

(forward-char &optional N)

Move point N characters forward (backward if N is negative). On reaching end or beginning of buffer, stop and signal error. Interactively, N is the numeric prefix argument. If N is omitted or nil, move point 1 character forward.

Depending on the bidirectional context, the movement may be to the right or to the left on the screen. This is in contrast with \[right-char], which see.

uncategorized Line

C-<return> (helm-eval-new-line-and-indent)
M-<tab> (lisp-indent-line)

(lisp-indent-line &optional INDENT)

Indent current line as Lisp code.

C-n (next-line)

(next-line &optional ARG TRY-VSCROLL)

Move cursor vertically down ARG lines. Interactively, vscroll tall lines if auto-window-vscroll is enabled. Non-interactively, use TRY-VSCROLL to control whether to vscroll tall lines: if either auto-window-vscroll or TRY-VSCROLL is nil, this function will not vscroll.

ARG defaults to 1.

If there is no character in the target line exactly under the current column, the cursor is positioned after the character in that line that spans this column, or at the end of the line if it is not long enough. If there is no line in the buffer after this one, behavior depends on the value of next-line-add-newlines. If non-nil, it inserts a newline character to create a line, and moves the cursor to that line. Otherwise it moves the cursor to the end of the buffer.

If the variable line-move-visual is non-nil, this command moves by display lines. Otherwise, it moves by buffer lines, without taking variable-width characters or continued lines into account. See \[next-logical-line] for a command that always moves by buffer lines.

The command \[set-goal-column] can be used to create a semipermanent goal column for this command. Then instead of trying to move exactly vertically (or as close as possible), this command moves to the specified goal column (or as close as possible). The goal column is stored in the variable goal-column, which is nil when there is no goal column. Note that setting goal-column overrides line-move-visual and causes this command to move by buffer lines rather than by display lines.

C-p (previous-line)

(previous-line &optional ARG TRY-VSCROLL)

Move cursor vertically up ARG lines. Interactively, vscroll tall lines if auto-window-vscroll is enabled. Non-interactively, use TRY-VSCROLL to control whether to vscroll tall lines: if either auto-window-vscroll or TRY-VSCROLL is nil, this function will not vscroll.

ARG defaults to 1.

If there is no character in the target line exactly over the current column, the cursor is positioned after the character in that line that spans this column, or at the end of the line if it is not long enough.

If the variable line-move-visual is non-nil, this command moves by display lines. Otherwise, it moves by buffer lines, without taking variable-width characters or continued lines into account. See \[previous-logical-line] for a command that always moves by buffer lines.

The command \[set-goal-column] can be used to create a semipermanent goal column for this command. Then instead of trying to move exactly vertically (or as close as possible), this command moves to the specified goal column (or as close as possible). The goal column is stored in the variable goal-column, which is nil when there is no goal column. Note that setting goal-column overrides line-move-visual and causes this command to move by buffer lines rather than by display lines.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-eval   [Contents][Index]

1.15.2 Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)



(helm-eval-expression ARG)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-evaluation-result.

C-x c C-: (helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-evaluation-result with eldoc support.


C-x c C- (helm-calcul-expression)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-calculation-result.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-eval   [Contents][Index]

1.15.3 Options in library ‘helm-eval



Standard Value: helm-show-info-in-mode-line

A function to display eldoc info. Should take one arg: the string to display.


Standard Value: 12

Eldoc will show info in mode-line during this delay if user is idle.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.16 Library: helm-external

Next: , Up: Library helm-external   [Contents][Index]

1.16.1 Commands in library helm-external (excludes keymaps)


C-x c C-c C-x (helm-run-external-command)

(helm-run-external-command PROGRAM)

Preconfigured helm to run External PROGRAM asyncronously from Emacs. If program is already running exit with error. You can set your own list of commands with helm-external-commands-list.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-external   [Contents][Index]

1.16.2 Options in library ‘helm-external



Standard Value: nautilus

Default external file browser for your system. Directories will be opened externally with it when opening file externally in helm-find-files. Set to nil if you do not have an external file browser or do not want to use it. Windows users should set that to “explorer.exe”.


Standard Value: nil

Alist to store externals programs associated with file extension. This variable overhide setting in .mailcap file. E.g.: ’((“jpg” . “gqview”) (“pdf” . “xpdf”))



Standard Value: nil

A shell command to jump to a window running specific program. Need external program wmctrl. This will be use with format, so use something like “wmctrl -xa %s”.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.17 Library: helm-fd

Next: , Up: Library helm-fd   [Contents][Index]

1.17.1 Commands in keymap helm-fd-map


DEL (helm-delete-backward-no-update)

(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.

M-<down> (helm-fd-next-directory)

Move to next directory in a helm-fd source.

M-<up> (helm-fd-previous-directory)

Move to previous directory in a helm-fd source.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-fd   [Contents][Index]

1.17.2 Options in library ‘helm-fd



Standard Value:

("--hidden" "--type" "f" "--type" "d" "--color" "always")

A list of options to pass to fd shell command.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.18 Library: helm-files

Next: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.1 Modes in library helm-files



(helm-ff–delete-async-modeline-mode &optional ARG)

Notify mode-line that an async process run.

If called interactively, toggle ‘Helm-Ff–Delete-Async-Modeline mode’. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.2 Commands in keymap helm-browse-project-map

Run Grep on Project

M-g a (helm-browse-project-run-ag)

Run helm-grep AG from helm-browse-project.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.3 Commands in keymap helm-file-name-history-map

Act on File name history

C-x C-f (helm-ff-file-name-history-run-ff)

Switch back to current HFF session with selection as preselect.

C-c d (helm-file-name-history-show-or-hide-deleted)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.4 Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map

Control filtering behaviour

C-_ (helm-ff-undo)

Undo minibuffer in helm-find-files. Ensure disabling helm-ff-auto-update-flag before undoing.

C-c DEL (helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)


RET (helm-ff-RET)

Default action for RET in helm-find-files.

Behave differently depending on helm-selection:

Move up or down the directory tree

C-l (helm-find-files-up-one-level)

(helm-find-files-up-one-level ARG)

Go up one level like unix command cd ... If prefix numeric arg is given go ARG level up.

C-r (helm-find-files-down-last-level)

Retrieve previous paths reached by C-l in helm-find-files.

Sort the listing

S-<f1> (helm-ff-sort-alpha)
S-<f2> (helm-ff-sort-by-newest)
S-<f3> (helm-ff-sort-by-size)

List directories or files only

S-<f4> (helm-ff-toggle-dirs-only)

Show only directories in helm-find-files.

S-<f5> (helm-ff-toggle-files-only)

Show only files in helm-find-files.

Configure display

C-] (helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)

Visit files in other window or frame

C-c C-o (helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame)

Run switch to other frame action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c o (helm-ff-run-switch-other-window)

Run switch to other window action from helm-source-find-files. When a prefix arg is provided, split is done vertically.

C-c C-t (helm-ff-find-file-other-tab)

Run find file in other tab action from helm-source-buffers-list.

C-c r (helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root)

Kill Buffers

M-K (helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent)

Execute helm-ff-kill-buffer-fname without quitting.

Open files externally

C-x C-v (helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file)
C-c C-x (helm-ff-run-open-file-externally)

Run open file externally command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c X (helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool)

Run open file externally command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c C-v (helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally)

Copy files

M-C (helm-ff-run-copy-file)

Run Copy file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-V (helm-ff-run-rsync-file)

Run Rsync file action from helm-source-find-files.

Run Query-Replace on Filenames

M-@ (helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked)
M-R (helm-ff-run-rename-file)

Run Rename file action from helm-source-find-files.

Run Query-Replace on Buffers’ Content

M-% (helm-ff-run-query-replace)
C-M-% (helm-ff-run-query-replace-regexp)

Touch files

M-T (helm-ff-run-touch-files)

Used to interactively run touch file action from keyboard.

Delete Persistently

M-D (helm-ff-run-delete-file)

Run Delete file action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c d (helm-ff-persistent-delete)

Delete current candidate without quitting.

Operate on Images

M-- (helm-ff-decrease-image-size-persistent)

Decrease image size without quitting helm.

M-+ (helm-ff-increase-image-size-persistent)

Increase image size without quitting helm.

M-l (helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent)

Rotate image left without quitting helm.

M-r (helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent)

Rotate image right without quitting helm.

Run Grep and friends

M-g g (helm-ff-run-git-grep)

Run git-grep action from helm-source-find-files.

M-g s (helm-ff-run-grep)

Run Grep action from helm-source-find-files.

M-g a (helm-ff-run-grep-ag)
M-g i (helm-ff-run-gid)
M-g p (helm-ff-run-pdfgrep)

Run Pdfgrep action from helm-source-find-files.

M-g z (helm-ff-run-zgrep)

Run Grep action from helm-source-find-files.

Run find or locate

C-c / (helm-ff-run-find-sh-command)

Run find shell command action with key from helm-find-files.

C-x C-f (helm-ff-run-locate)

Run locate action from helm-source-find-files.

C-/ (helm-ff-run-fd)

Run fd shell command action with key from helm-find-files.

Show Properties

M-i (helm-ff-properties-persistent)

Show properties without quitting helm.

Browse File name history

C-c h (helm-ff-file-name-history)

Switch to file-name-history without quitting helm-find-files.

M-p (helm-find-files-history)

(helm-find-files-history ARG &key (COMP-READ t))

The helm-find-files history. Show the first helm-ff-history-max-length elements of helm-ff-history in an helm-comp-read.

Attach files to an Email

C-c C-a (helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files)

Run mail attach files command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-x C-q (helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired)

Execute helm-marked-files-in-dired interactively.

Operate on Elisp files

M-B (helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file)

Run Byte compile file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-L (helm-ff-run-load-file)

Run Load file action from helm-source-find-files.

Run Ediff and Emerge

C-c = (helm-ff-run-ediff-file)

Run Ediff file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-= (helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file)

Run Ediff merge file action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized Ff Run File

C-c p (helm-ff-run-print-file)

Run Print file action from helm-source-find-files.

Link files

M-H (helm-ff-run-hardlink-file)

Run Hardlink file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-Y (helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file)

Run Symlink file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-S (helm-ff-run-symlink-file)

Run Symlink file action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized Ff Run uncategorized

C-x C-d (helm-ff-run-browse-project)
C-c i (helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point)

Run complete file name action from helm-source-find-files.

M-. (helm-ff-run-etags)

Run Etags command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c @ (helm-ff-run-insert-org-link)

Manage Helm Find Files Sessioin

C-x r m (helm-ff-bookmark-set)

Record helm-find-files session in bookmarks.

C-x r b (helm-find-files-switch-to-bookmark)

Switch to helm-bookmark for helm-find-files from helm-find-files.

Run Eshell

M-e (helm-ff-run-switch-to-shell)

Run switch to eshell action from helm-source-find-files.

M-! (helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file)

Run eshell command on file action from helm-source-find-files.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.5 Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map

Control what is displayed

C-] (helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)


RET (helm-ff-RET)

Default action for RET in helm-find-files.

Behave differently depending on helm-selection:

Return empty string

M-RET (helm-cr-empty-string)

Return empty string.

Undo Minibuffer

C-_ (helm-ff-undo)

Undo minibuffer in helm-find-files. Ensure disabling helm-ff-auto-update-flag before undoing.

Go up and down directory tree

C-r (helm-find-files-down-last-level)

Retrieve previous paths reached by C-l in helm-find-files.

C-. (helm-find-files-up-one-level)

(helm-find-files-up-one-level ARG)

Go up one level like unix command cd ... If prefix numeric arg is given go ARG level up.

File name history

C-c h (helm-ff-file-name-history)

Switch to file-name-history without quitting helm-find-files.

Toggle Auto-update

C-c DEL (helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.6 Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)



Allow deleting tramp connection or marked tramp connections at once.

This replace tramp-cleanup-connection which is partially broken in Emacs < to (See Emacs bug

It allows additionally to delete more than one connection at once.



Same as helm-ff-RET but used in must-match map.


(helm-ff-TAB ARG)

Default action for TAB in helm-find-files.

Behave differently depending on helm-selection:

Called with a prefix arg open menu unconditionally.


Go up one level or disable HFF auto update and delete char backward.

Going up one level works only when pattern is a directory endings with “/”, otherwise this command deletes char backward.

Going up one level can be disabled if necessary by deleting “/” at end of pattern using \<helm-map>\[backward-char] and \[helm-delete-minibuffer-contents].


(helm-ff-kill-rsync-process PROCESS)

Kill rsync process PROCESS.

When called interactively prompt user with completion when more than one process.



(helm-ff–delete-async-modeline-mode &optional ARG)

Notify mode-line that an async process run.

If called interactively, toggle ‘Helm-Ff–Delete-Async-Modeline mode’. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



(helm-browse-project ARG)

Preconfigured helm to browse projects. Browse files and see status of project with its VCS. Only HG and GIT are supported for now. Fall back to helm-browse-project-find-files if current directory is not under control of one of those VCS. With a prefix ARG browse files recursively, with two prefix ARG rebuild the cache. If the current directory is found in the cache, start helm-browse-project-find-files even with no prefix ARG. NOTE: The prefix ARG have no effect on the VCS controlled directories.

Needed dependencies for VCS: and

C-x c C-x C-f
C-x C-f (helm-find-files)

(helm-find-files ARG)

Preconfigured helm for helm implementation of find-file. Called with a prefix arg show history if some. Don’t call it from programs, use helm-find-files-1 instead. This is the starting point for nearly all actions you can do on files.


(helm-projects-history ARG)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.7 Options in library ‘helm-files



Standard Value: nil

Don’t switch back to local filesystem when expanding pattern with / or ~/.



Standard Value: helm-list-dir-external

The function used in helm-find-files to list remote directories.

Actually Helm provides two functions to do this: helm-list-dir-lisp and helm-list-dir-external.

Using helm-list-dir-external will provide a similar display to what is provided with local files i.e. colorized symlinks, executables files etc., whereas using helm-list-dir-lisp will allow colorizing only directories but it is more portable.

NOTE: helm-list-dir-external needs ls and awk as dependencies. Also the ls version installed on the remote side should support the same arguments as the GNU/ls version, which are -A -1 -F -b and -Q. So even if you are using a GNU/ls version locally and you want to connect e.g. on a Freebsd server, you may have failures due to the incompatible ls version installed on remote server. In such case use helm-list-dir-lisp which works everywhere but is slower and less featured (only directories colorized).



Standard Value: ï¼…

Percentage unicode sign to use in Rsync reporter.


Standard Value:

("-a" "-z" "-h" "-s" "--info=all2")

Rsync options to use with HFF Rsync action. Note: Using “–info=all2” allows having the name of the file currently transfered in an help-echo in mode-line, if you use “–info=progress2” you will not have this information.



Standard Value: nil

When non nil don’t update mode-line when rsync is running. This is useful if you display the progress bar somewhere else, e.g. with minibuffer-line in minibuffer, in this case updating mode-line may create flickering in other frame’s mode-line.

Files Find


Standard Value: helm-browse-project-fd-find-files

The default function to retrieve files in a non-vc directory.

A function that takes a directory name as only arg.


Standard Value:

(("Find File" . helm-find-file-or-marked)
 ("Find file in Dired" . helm-point-file-in-dired)
 ("View file" . view-file)
 ("Query replace fnames on marked ~M-@~" . helm-ff-query-replace-fnames-on-marked)
 ("Marked files in dired ~C-x C-q, C-u wdired~" . helm-marked-files-in-dired)
 ("Query replace contents on marked ~M-%~" . helm-ff-query-replace)
 ("Query replace regexp contents on marked ~C-M-%~" . helm-ff-query-replace-regexp)
 ("Attach file(s) to mail buffer ~C-c C-a~" . helm-ff-mail-attach-files)
 ("Serial rename files" . helm-ff-serial-rename)
 ("Serial rename by symlinking files" . helm-ff-serial-rename-by-symlink)
 ("Serial rename by copying files" . helm-ff-serial-rename-by-copying)
 ("Open file with default tool" . helm-open-file-with-default-tool)
 ("Find file in hex dump" . hexl-find-file)
 ("Browse project ~C-x C-d~" . helm-ff-browse-project)
 ("Complete at point ~C-c i~" . helm-insert-file-name-completion-at-point)
 ("Insert as org link ~C-c @~" . helm-files-insert-as-org-link)
 ("Find shell command ~C-c /~" . helm-ff-find-sh-command)
 ("Fd shell command (C-/)" . helm-ff-fd)
 ("Add marked files to file-cache" . helm-ff-cache-add-file)
 ("Open file externally ~C-c C-x, C-u to choose~" . helm-open-file-externally)
 ("Grep File(s) ~C-s, C-u Recurse~" . helm-find-files-grep)
 ("Grep current directory with AG ~M-g a, C-u select type~" . helm-find-files-ag)
 ("Git grep ~M-g g, C-u from root~" . helm-ff-git-grep)
 ("Zgrep File(s) ~M-g z, C-u Recurse~" . helm-ff-zgrep)
 ("Pdf Grep File(s)" . helm-ff-pdfgrep)
 ("Gid ~M-g i~" . helm-ff-gid)
 ("Switch to Eshell ~M-e~" . helm-ff-switch-to-shell)
 ("Etags ~M-., C-u reload tag file~" . helm-ff-etags-select)
 ("Eshell command on file(s) ~M-!, C-u take all marked as arguments.~" . helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file)
 ("Find file as root ~C-c r~" . helm-find-file-as-root)
 ("Find alternate file ~C-x C-v~" . find-alternate-file)
 ("Ediff File ~C-c =~" . helm-find-files-ediff-files)
 ("Ediff Merge File ~M-=~" . helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files)
 ("Delete File(s) ~M-D~ (C-u reverse trash)" . helm-ff-delete-files)
 ("Touch File(s) ~M-T~" . helm-ff-touch-files)
 ("Copy file(s) ~M-C, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-copy)
 ("Rsync file(s) ~M-V~ (C-u edit command)" . helm-find-files-rsync)
 ("Rename file(s) ~M-R, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-rename)
 ("Backup files" . helm-find-files-backup)
 ("Symlink files(s) ~M-S, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-symlink)
 ("Relsymlink file(s) ~M-Y, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-relsymlink)
 ("Hardlink file(s) ~M-H, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-hardlink)
 ("Find file other window ~C-c o~" . helm-find-files-other-window)
 ("Find file other frame ~C-c C-o~" . find-file-other-frame)
 ("Find file other tab ~C-c C-t~" . find-file-other-tab)
 ("Print File ~C-c p, C-u to refresh~" . helm-ff-print)
 ("Locate ~C-x C-f, C-u to specify locate db~" . helm-ff-locate))

Actions for helm-find-files.


Standard Value: nil

Hook that run after initialization of helm-find-files.


Standard Value: nil

Hook that run before initialization of helm-find-files.


Standard Value: Helm-find-files:

bookmark name prefix of helm-find-files sessions.


Standard Value: nil

Use only default-directory as default input in helm-find-files. I.e. text under cursor in current-buffer is ignored. Note that when non-nil you will be unable to complete filename at point in current-buffer.

Files uncategorized


Standard Value:

("Find" "Locate" "Recentf" "Files from Current Directory" "File Cache")

Extras source that save candidate to file-name-history.


Standard Value: nil

Allow trashing remote files when non-nil.

Trashing remote files with tramp doesn’t work out of the box unless the ’trash-cli’ package is installed. This is why trashing remote files from Helm is disabled by default.

Tramp is using external ’trash’ command in its delete-file and delete-directory handlers when using delete-by-moving-to-trash, which is documented nowhere in Emacs.

If you want to enable this you will have to install the ’trash’ command on remote (and/or locally if you want to trash as root). On Ubuntu-based distributions it is ’trash-cli’.

Ff Mode


Standard Value: eshell-mode

Shell to use to switch to a shell buffer from helm-find-files. Possible values are shell-mode, eshell-mode and term-mode. This affects M-e keybinding.

Ff List


Standard Value: nil

A list of available printers on your system. When non-nil let you choose a printer to print file. Otherwise when nil the variable printer-name will be used. On Unix based systems (lpstat command needed) you don’t need to set this, helm-ff-find-printers will find a list of available printers for you.

Ff Allow


Standard Value: nil

When ’always don’t prompt for recursive deletion of directories. When nil, will ask for recursive deletion. Note that when deleting multiple directories you can answer ! when prompted to avoid being asked for next directories, so it is probably better to not modify this variable.

Ff Guess


Standard Value: nil

Use ffap to guess local filenames at point in helm-find-files. This doesn’t disable url or mail at point, see helm-ff-guess-ffap-urls for this.


Standard Value: t

Use ffap to guess local urls at point in helm-find-files. This doesn’t disable guessing filenames at point, see helm-ff-guess-ffap-filenames for this. See also ffap-url-unwrap-remote that may override this variable.

Ff Level


Standard Value: nil

Use DEL to maybe go up one level when non nil.

Going up one level works only when pattern is a directory endings with “/”, otherwise this command deletes char backward.

When nil always delete char backward.

Ff Delete


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Ff Update


Standard Value: t

Reset filter variables when changing directory. When filtering directories/files only, switch back to a “show all” view when moving out of directory when non nil.

Ff History


Standard Value: 100

Number of elements shown in helm-find-files history.

Ff Initial


Standard Value: nil

Auto update when only one candidate directory is matched. Default value when starting helm-find-files is nil to not confuse new users. For a better experience with helm-find-files set this to non-nil and use C-<backspace> to toggle it.


Standard Value: nil

Sort method to use when initially listing a directory. Note that this doesn’t affect the listing when matching inside the directory (i.e. filenames).

Ff Preselect


Standard Value: nil

When non-nil helm-find-files starts at root of current directory.


Standard Value: t

Always preselect previous directory when going one level up.

When non-nil candidate-number-limit source value is modified dynamically when going one level up if the position of previous candidate in its directory is > to helm-ff-candidate-number-limit.

It can be helpful to disable this and reduce helm-ff-candidate-number-limit if you often navigate across very large directories.

Ff File


Standard Value: nil

Use non existing file-at-point as initial input in helm-find-files.


Standard Value:

("gz" "bz2" "zip" "7z")

Minimal list of compressed files extension.


Standard Value: nil

Use recentf-list instead of file-name-history in helm-find-files.

Ff Image


Standard Value: nil

Use native image-mode when non nil.

You should use this only with Emacs>= 27 and image-auto-resize enabled to have images resized properly. When this is enabled, you have new commands to zoom in/out images. See image-transform-resize and image-auto-resize. Otherwise, when nil image-dired is used, using imagemagick as backend. NOTE: If you see image-mode is eating too much memory, you better have to set this to nil (default).


Standard Value:


Options used with helm-ff-rotate-image-program. If you are using Mogrify or Jpegtran mandatory option is “-rotate”, with Exiftran mandatory option is “-i”.

Ff Program


Standard Value: exiftran

Program used to extract exif data of an image file.


Standard Value: -d

Arguments used for helm-ff-exif-data-program.


Standard Value: exiftran

External program used to rotate images. When nil and helm-ff-display-image-native is enabled, fallback to image-rotate without modification of exif data i.e. rotation is not persistent otherwise an error is returned when not using helm-ff-display-image-native i.e. using image-dired.

Ff Files


Standard Value: helm-delete-marked-files

The function to use by default to delete files.

Default is to delete files synchronously, other choice is to delete files asynchronously.

BE AWARE that when deleting async you will not be warned about recursive deletion of directories, IOW non-empty directories will be deleted with no warnings in background!!!

It is the function that will be used when using M-D from helm-find-files.


Standard Value: t

Signal error when file is . or .. on file deletion when non-nil. Default is non-nil. WARNING: Setting this to nil is unsafe and can cause deletion of a whole tree.


Standard Value: nil

Non-nil to skip boring files. I.e. the files matching regexps in helm-boring-file-regexp-list. This takes effect in helm-find-files and file completion used by helm-mode i.e. helm-read-file-name. Note that when non-nil this will slow down slightly helm-find-files.


Standard Value: nil

Non-nil to skip git ignored files. This take effect only in helm-find-files. Check is not done on remote files. Note that when non-nil this will slow down slightly helm-find-files.

Ff uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized


Standard Value: ~/.avfs

The default avfs directory, usually ’~/.avfs’. When this is set you will be able to expand archive filenames with C-j inside an avfs directory mounted with mountavfs. See


Standard Value: 5000

The helm-candidate-number-limit for helm-find-files and friends. Note that when going one level up with C-l the length of directory will be used instead if it is higher than this value. This is to avoid failing to preselect the previous directory/file if this one is situated lower than helm-ff-candidate-number-limit num candidate.


Standard Value: t

Enable fuzzy matching for helm-find-files when non–nil. See helm-ff--transform-pattern-for-completion for more info.


Standard Value:


Dired commands that are allowed moving to first real candidate.


Standard Value: helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname

Default function used to expand non-directory filenames in helm-find-files.

This variable will take effect only in helm-find-files. It affects the behavior of persistent-action on filenames and non-existing filenames.

The default is to expand filename on first hit on C-j, pop buffer in other window on second hit and finally kill this buffer on third hit. This is very handy to create several new buffers, or when navigating, show quickly the buffer of file to see its contents briefly before killing it and continue navigating.

However some users may not want this, so to disable this behaviour just set this to ignore function.

Of course you can also write your own function to do something else.


Standard Value: t

Use arrow keys to navigate with helm-find-files. Note that if you define this variable with setq your change will have no effect, use customize instead.


Standard Value: t

Whether Prompt or not when creating new file. This set ffap-newfile-prompt.


Standard Value: nil

Search for library in require and declare-function sexp.


Standard Value: t

Show only basename of candidates in helm-find-files. This can be toggled at anytime from helm-find-files with C-].



Standard Value: nil

(helm-ff–delete-async-modeline-mode &optional ARG)

Notify mode-line that an async process run.

If called interactively, toggle ‘Helm-Ff–Delete-Async-Modeline mode’. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value: nil

Default target directory for file actions.

Define the directory where you want to start navigating for the target directory when copying, renaming, etc.. You can use the default-directory of next-window, the current default-directory or have completion on all the directories belonging to each window.


Standard Value:

(eshell-mode shell-mode term-mode)

Modes that requires string’s insertion to be escaped.


Standard Value: nil

A list of directories used for mounting remotes filesystem.

When nil helm-file-on-mounted-network-p always return nil otherwise check if a file is in one of these directories.

Remote filesystem are generally mounted with sshfs.


Standard Value: 25

Hide tooltips automatically after this many seconds.


Standard Value: 0

Just like tramp-verbose but specific to Helm. When set to 0 don’t show tramp messages in Helm. If you want to have the default tramp messages set it to 3.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-files   [Contents][Index]

1.18.8 Hooks in library ‘helm-files



Standard Value: nil

Hook that run after initialization of helm-find-files.



Standard Value: nil

Hook that run before initialization of helm-find-files.



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value:


Standard Value:


Standard Value:

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.19 Library: helm-find

Next: , Up: Library helm-find   [Contents][Index]

1.19.1 Commands in keymap helm-find-map


DEL (helm-delete-backward-no-update)

(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-find   [Contents][Index]

1.19.2 Commands in library helm-find (excludes keymaps)


C-x c / (helm-find)

(helm-find ARG)

Preconfigured helm for the find shell command.

Recursively find files whose names are matched by all specified globbing PATTERNs under the current directory using the external program specified in find-program (usually “find”). Every input PATTERN is silently wrapped into two stars: PATTERN.

With prefix argument, prompt for a directory to search.

When user option helm-findutils-search-full-path is non-nil, match against complete paths, otherwise, against file names without directory part.

The (possibly empty) list of globbing PATTERNs can be followed by the separator “*” plus any number of additional arguments that are passed to “find” literally.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-find   [Contents][Index]

1.19.3 Options in library ‘helm-find



Standard Value: nil

Search in full path with shell command find when non-nil. I.e. use the -path/ipath arguments of find instead of -name/iname.


Standard Value: t

Ignore boring files in find command results.



Standard Value: nil

Prevent showing error messages in helm buffer when non nil.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.20 Library: helm-font

Next: , Up: Library helm-font   [Contents][Index]

1.20.1 Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map


C-<left> (helm-ucs-persistent-backward)
C-<backspace> (helm-ucs-persistent-delete)
C-<right> (helm-ucs-persistent-forward)
C-c SPC (helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-font   [Contents][Index]

1.20.2 Commands in library helm-font (excludes keymaps)


C-x c F (helm-select-xfont)

Preconfigured helm to select Xfont.

C-x c 8 (helm-ucs)

(helm-ucs ARG)

Preconfigured helm for ucs-names.

Called with a prefix arg force reloading cache.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-font   [Contents][Index]

1.20.3 Options in library ‘helm-font



Standard Value:

(("Insert character" . helm-ucs-insert-char)
 ("Insert character name" . helm-ucs-insert-name)
 ("Insert character code in hex" . helm-ucs-insert-code)
 ("Kill marked characters" . helm-ucs-kill-char)
 ("Kill name" . helm-ucs-kill-name)
 ("Kill code" . helm-ucs-kill-code))

Actions for helm-source-ucs.


Standard Value: 10

Number of recent chars to keep.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.21 Library: helm-for-files

Next: , Up: Library helm-for-files   [Contents][Index]

1.21.1 Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)



Preconfigured helm for opening files. Run all sources defined in helm-for-files-preferred-list.

C-x c f (helm-multi-files)

Preconfigured helm like helm-for-files but running locate only on demand.

Allow toggling back and forth from locate to others sources with helm-multi-files-toggle-locate-binding key. This avoids launching locate needlessly when what you are searching for is already found.



C-x c C-c f (helm-recentf)

Preconfigured helm for recentf.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-for-files   [Contents][Index]

1.21.2 Options in library ‘helm-for-files



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-source-file-cache when non–nil.



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-source-recentf when non-nil.


Standard Value: t

Automatically turn on recentf-mode when non-nil.



Standard Value:

(helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-bookmarks helm-source-file-cache helm-source-files-in-current-dir helm-source-locate)

Your preferred sources for helm-for-files and helm-multi-files.

When adding a source here it is up to you to ensure the library of this source is accessible and properly loaded.


Standard Value: t

Colorize remote files when non nil.

Be aware that a nil value will make tramp display very slow.


Standard Value: C-c p

Default binding to switch back and forth locate in helm-multi-files.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.22 Library: helm-global-bindings

Next: , Up: Library helm-global-bindings   [Contents][Index]

1.22.1 Commands in keymap helm-command-map

View Helm Documentation

h h
C-x c h h (helm-documentation)

Preconfigured helm for Helm documentation. With a prefix arg refresh the documentation.

Find here the documentation of all documented sources.

Execute Extended Command

C-x c M-x
<menu> (helm-M-x)

(helm-M-x ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs commands. It is helm replacement of regular M-x execute-extended-command.

Unlike regular M-x Emacs vanilla execute-extended-command command, the prefix args if needed, can be passed AFTER starting helm-M-x. When a prefix arg is passed BEFORE starting helm-M-x, the first C-u while in helm-M-x session will disable it.

You can get help on each command by persistent action.

Find Files

C-x C-f
C-x c C-x C-f
<open> (helm-find-files)

(helm-find-files ARG)

Preconfigured helm for helm implementation of find-file. Called with a prefix arg show history if some. Don’t call it from programs, use helm-find-files-1 instead. This is the starting point for nearly all actions you can do on files.

C-x c f (helm-multi-files)

Preconfigured helm like helm-for-files but running locate only on demand.

Allow toggling back and forth from locate to others sources with helm-multi-files-toggle-locate-binding key. This avoids launching locate needlessly when what you are searching for is already found.

Visit recent Files

C-c f
C-x c C-c f (helm-recentf)

Preconfigured helm for recentf.

Run Find

C-x c / (helm-find)

(helm-find ARG)

Preconfigured helm for the find shell command.

Recursively find files whose names are matched by all specified globbing PATTERNs under the current directory using the external program specified in find-program (usually “find”). Every input PATTERN is silently wrapped into two stars: PATTERN.

With prefix argument, prompt for a directory to search.

When user option helm-findutils-search-full-path is non-nil, match against complete paths, otherwise, against file names without directory part.

The (possibly empty) list of globbing PATTERNs can be followed by the separator “*” plus any number of additional arguments that are passed to “find” literally.

Run locate

C-x c l (helm-locate)

(helm-locate ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Locate. Note: you can add locate options after entering pattern. See ’man locate’ for valid options and also helm-locate-command.

You can specify a local database with prefix argument ARG. With two prefix arg, refresh the current local db or create it if it doesn’t exists.

To create a user specific db, use “updatedb -l 0 -o db_path -U directory”. Where db_path is a filename matched by helm-locate-db-file-regexp.

List Buffers

C-x C-b
C-x c C-x C-b (helm-buffers-list)

Preconfigured helm to list buffers.

Browse kill-ring

C-x c M-y (helm-show-kill-ring)

Preconfigured helm for kill-ring. It is drop-in replacement of yank-pop.

First call open the kill-ring browser, next calls move to next line.

List Bookmarks

C-x r b
C-x c C-x r b (helm-filtered-bookmarks)

Preconfigured helm for bookmarks (filtered by category). Optional source helm-source-bookmark-addressbook is loaded only if external addressbook-bookmark package is installed.

List Registers

C-x r i
C-x c C-x r i (helm-register)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs registers.

Mark Ring

C-x c C-c SPC (helm-all-mark-rings)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-global-mark-ring and helm-source-mark-ring.

Run Occur

M-s o
C-x c M-s o (helm-occur)

Preconfigured helm for searching lines matching pattern in current-buffer.

When helm-source-occur is member of helm-sources-using-default-as-input which is the default, symbol at point is searched at startup.

When a region is marked search only in this region by narrowing.

To search in multiples buffers start from one of the commands listing buffers (i.e. a helm command using helm-source-buffers-list like helm-mini) and use the multi occur buffers action.

This is the helm implementation that collect lines matching pattern like vanilla Emacs occur but have nothing to do with it, the search engine beeing completely different and also much faster.

Run Grep and friends

M-g a
C-x c M-g a (helm-do-grep-ag)

(helm-do-grep-ag ARG)

Preconfigured helm for grepping with AG in default-directory. With prefix arg prompt for type if available with your AG version.

M-g i
C-x c M-g i (helm-gid)

Preconfigured helm for gid command line of ID-Utils. Need A database created with the command mkid above default-directory. Need id-utils as dependency which provide mkid, gid etc.. See


C-x c e (helm-etags-select)

(helm-etags-select REINIT)

Preconfigured helm for etags. If called with a prefix argument REINIT or if any of the tag files have been modified, reinitialize cache.

This function aggregates three sources of tag files:

  1. An automatically located file in the parent directories, by helm-etags-get-tag-file.
  2. tags-file-name, which is commonly set by find-tag command.
  3. tags-table-list which is commonly set by visit-tags-table command.
C-x c i (helm-imenu)

Preconfigured helm for imenu.

C-x c I (helm-imenu-in-all-buffers)

Preconfigured helm for fetching imenu entries in all buffers with similar mode as current. A mode is similar as current if it is the same, it is derived i.e. derived-mode-p or it have an association in helm-imenu-all-buffer-assoc.

Lisp Completion at Point

C-x c <tab> (helm-lisp-completion-at-point)

Preconfigured Helm for Lisp symbol completion at point.

Calculate Expression

C-x c C- (helm-calcul-expression)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-calculation-result.

C-x c C-: (helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-evaluation-result with eldoc support.

C-x c r (helm-regexp)

Preconfigured helm to build regexps. query-replace-regexp can be run from there against found regexp.

Get help for thing at point

h i
C-x c h i (helm-info-at-point)

Preconfigured helm for searching info at point.

View Emacs manauals

h r
C-x c h r (helm-info-emacs)

Predefined helm for emacs info.

h g
C-x c h g (helm-info-gnus)

Predefined helm for gnus info.

Get Elisp Help

C-x c a
C-h a
<f1> a
<help> a (helm-apropos)

(helm-apropos DEFAULT)

Preconfigured Helm to describe commands, functions, variables and faces. In non interactives calls DEFAULT argument should be provided as a string, i.e. the symbol-name of any existing symbol.

List Manpages

C-x c m (helm-man-woman)

(helm-man-woman ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Man and Woman pages. With a prefix arg reinitialize the cache.

List Emacs Processes

C-x c p (helm-list-emacs-process)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs process.

List Emacs Lisp Packages

C-x c @ (helm-list-elisp-packages)

(helm-list-elisp-packages ARG)

Preconfigured helm for listing and handling Emacs packages.

Resume Helm Session

C-x c b (helm-resume)

(helm-resume ARG)

Resume a previous Helm session. Call with a prefix arg to choose among existing Helm buffers (sessions). When calling from Lisp, specify a buffer-name as a string with ARG.

Run Exernal Command

C-c C-x
C-x c C-c C-x (helm-run-external-command)

(helm-run-external-command PROGRAM)

Preconfigured helm to run External PROGRAM asyncronously from Emacs. If program is already running exit with error. You can set your own list of commands with helm-external-commands-list.

Search the Web

C-c g
C-x c C-c g (helm-google-suggest)

Preconfigured helm for Google search with Google suggest.

C-x c s (helm-surfraw)

(helm-surfraw PATTERN ENGINE)

Preconfigured helm to search PATTERN with search ENGINE.

Run Top

C-x c t (helm-top)

Preconfigured helm for top command.

List Unicode names

C-x c 8 (helm-ucs)

(helm-ucs ARG)

Preconfigured helm for ucs-names.

Called with a prefix arg force reloading cache.

Select XFont

C-x c F (helm-select-xfont)

Preconfigured helm to select Xfont.

List Colors

C-x c c (helm-colors)

Preconfigured helm for color.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-global-bindings   [Contents][Index]

1.22.2 Options in library ‘helm-global-bindings



Standard Value: C-x c

The key helm-command-prefix is bound to in the global map.


Standard Value: C-r

The key helm-minibuffer-history is bound to in minibuffer local maps.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.23 Library: helm-grep

Next: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.1 Modes in library helm-grep



Major mode to provide actions in helm grep saved buffer.

Special commands: \{helm-grep-mode-map}

In addition to any hooks its parent mode special-mode might have run, this mode runs the hook helm-grep-mode-hook, as the final or penultimate step during initialization.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.2 Commands in keymap helm-grep-map

uncategorized Goto

M-<down> (helm-goto-next-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

M-<up> (helm-goto-precedent-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

uncategorized Grep

<left> (helm-grep-run-default-action)

Run grep default action from helm-do-grep-1.

C-c C-o (helm-grep-run-other-frame-action)

Run grep goto other frame action from helm-do-grep-1.

C-c o (helm-grep-run-other-window-action)

Run grep goto other window action from helm-do-grep-1.

C-x C-s (helm-grep-run-save-buffer)

Run grep save results action from helm-do-grep-1.

uncategorized uncategorized

DEL (helm-delete-backward-no-update)

(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.3 Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map


M-N (helm-gm-next-file)
M-P (helm-gm-precedent-file)
RET (helm-grep-mode-jump)
C-o (helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window)
M-p (helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward)

(helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward ARG)

M-n (helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward)

(helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward ARG)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.4 Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map


DEL (helm-delete-backward-no-update)

(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.

M-<down> (helm-goto-next-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

M-<up> (helm-goto-precedent-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.5 Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)


C-x c M-g a (helm-do-grep-ag)

(helm-do-grep-ag ARG)

Preconfigured helm for grepping with AG in default-directory. With prefix arg prompt for type if available with your AG version.


(helm-grep-do-git-grep ARG)

Preconfigured helm for git-grepping default-directory. With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository.



(helm-grep-mode-mouse-jump EVENT)



Major mode to provide actions in helm grep saved buffer.

Special commands: \{helm-grep-mode-map}

In addition to any hooks its parent mode special-mode might have run, this mode runs the hook helm-grep-mode-hook, as the final or penultimate step during initialization.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.6 Options in library ‘helm-grep



Standard Value: basename

File path display style when grep results are displayed. Possible value are: basename: displays only the filename, none of the directory path absolute: displays absolute path relative: displays relative path from root grep directory.


Standard Value: t

Use Arrow keys to jump to occurences. Note that if you define this variable with setq your change will have no effect, use customize instead.



Standard Value: .*$

Default file extensions zgrep will search in.



Standard Value:

("SCCS/" "RCS/" "CVS/" "MCVS/" ".svn/" ".git/" ".hg/" ".bzr/" "_MTN/" "_darcs/" "{arch}/" ".gvfs/")

List of names of sub-directories which helm-grep shall not recurse into.


Standard Value:

(".#*" "*.o" "*~" "*.bin" "*.lbin" "*.so" "*.a" "*.ln" "*.blg" "*.bbl" "*.elc" "*.lof" "*.glo" "*.idx" "*.lot" "*.fmt" "*.tfm" "*.class" "*.fas" "*.lib" "*.mem" "*.x86f" "*.sparcf" "*.dfsl" "*.pfsl" "*.d64fsl" "*.p64fsl" "*.lx64fsl" "*.lx32fsl" "*.dx64fsl" "*.dx32fsl" "*.fx64fsl" "*.fx32fsl" "*.sx64fsl" "*.sx32fsl" "*.wx64fsl" "*.wx32fsl" "*.fasl" "*.ufsl" "*.fsl" "*.dxl" "*.lo" "*.la" "*.gmo" "*.mo" "*.toc" "*.aux" "*.cp" "*.fn" "*.ky" "*.pg" "*.tp" "*.vr" "*.cps" "*.fns" "*.kys" "*.pgs" "*.tps" "*.vrs" "*.pyc" "*.pyo")

List of file names which helm-grep shall exclude.



Standard Value: nil

A list of additional parameters to pass to grep-ag pipe command. Use parameters compatibles with the backend you are using (i.e. AG for AG, PT for PT or RG for RG)

You probably don’t need to use this unless you know what you are doing.


Standard Value: nil

A list of additional parameters to pass to grep pipe command. This will be used to pipe command for multiple pattern matching for grep, zgrep ack-grep and git-grep backends. If you add extra args for ack-grep, use ack-grep options, for others (grep, zgrep and git-grep) use grep options. Here are the commands where you may want to add switches:

grep –color=always ack-grep –smart-case –color

You probably don’t need to use this unless you know what you are doing.

Command Default


Standard Value: zgrep –color=always -a -n%cH -e %p %f

Default command for Zgrep. See helm-grep-default-command for infos on format specs. Option –color=always is supported and can be used safely to replace the Helm internal match highlighting. See helm-grep-default-command for more infos.


Standard Value: grep –color=always -a -d skip %e -n%cH -e %p %f

Default grep format command for helm-do-grep-1. Where: ’%e’ format spec is for –exclude or –include grep options or ack-grep –type option. (Not mandatory)

’%c’ format spec is for case-fold-search, whether to use the -i option of grep. (Not mandatory) When you specify this spec, helm grep will use smartcase that is when a upcase character is found in pattern case will be respected and no ’-i’ option will be used, otherwise, when no upcase character is found in pattern always use ’-i’. If you don’t want this behavior, don’t use this spec and specify or not the ’-i’ option. Note that with ack-grep this is not needed, just specify the ’–smart-case’ option.

’%p’ format spec is for pattern. (Mandatory)

’%f’ format spec is for filenames. (Mandatory)

If your grep version doesn’t support the –exclude/include args don’t specify the ’%e’ format spec.

Helm also support ack-grep and git-grep. The following is a default command example for ack-grep:

(setq helm-grep-default-command “ack-grep -Hn –color –smart-case –no-group %e %p %f” helm-grep-default-recurse-command “ack-grep -H –color –smart-case –no-group %e %p %f”)

You can ommit the %e spec if you don’t want to be prompted for types.

NOTE: Helm for ack-grep support ANSI sequences, so you can remove the “–no-color” option safely (recommended). However you should specify –color to enable multi matches highlighting because ack disable it when output is piped.

Same for grep you can use safely the option “–color=always” (default). You can customize the color of matches using GREP_COLORS env var. e.g: (setenv “GREP_COLORS” “ms=30;43:mc=30;43:sl=01;37:cx=:fn=35:ln=32:bn=32:se=36”)

To enable ANSI color in git-grep just add “–color=always”. To customize the ANSI color in git-grep, GREP_COLORS have no effect, you will have to setup this in your .gitconfig:

[color “grep”] match = black yellow

Where “black” is the foreground and “yellow” the background. See the git documentation for more infos.

helm-grep-default-command and helm-grep-default-recurse-command are independent, so you can enable helm-grep-default-command with ack-grep and helm-grep-default-recurse-command with grep if you want to be faster on recursive grep.

NOTE: Remote grepping is not available with ack-grep, and badly supported with grep because tramp handles badly repeated remote processes in a short delay (< to 5s).


Standard Value: grep –color=always -a -d recurse %e -n%cH -e %p %f

Default recursive grep format command for helm-do-grep-1. See helm-grep-default-command for format specs and infos about ack-grep.


Standard Value: pdfgrep –color always -niH %s %s

Default command for pdfgrep. Option “–color always” is supported starting Helm version 1.7.8. When used matches will be highlighted according to GREP_COLORS env var.


Standard Value: nil

Default command to read pdf files from pdfgrep. Where ’%f’ format spec is filename and ’%p’ is page number. E.g. In Ubuntu you can set it to:

“evince –page-label=%p ’%f’”

If set to nil either doc-view-mode or pdf-view-mode will be used instead of an external command.


Standard Value: pdfgrep –color always -rniH %s %s

Default recurse command for pdfgrep. Option “–color always” is supported starting Helm version 1.7.8. When used matches will be highlighted according to GREP_COLORS env var.

Command uncategorized


Standard Value: ag –line-numbers -S –color –nogroup %s %s %s

The default command for AG, PT or RG.

Takes three format specs, the first for type(s), the second for pattern and the third for directory.

You can use safely “–color” (used by default) with AG RG and PT.

NOTE: Usage of “–color=never” is discouraged as it uses Elisp to colorize matched items which is slower than using the native colorization of backend, however it is still supported.

For ripgrep here is the command line to use:

rg –color=always –smart-case –no-heading –line-number %s %s %s

And to customize colors (always for ripgrep) use something like this:

rg –color=always –colors ’match:bg:yellow’ –colors ’match:fg:black’ –smart-case –no-heading –line-number %s %s %s

This will change color for matched items from foreground red (the default) to a yellow background with a black foreground. Note that your color settings for RG will not work properly with multiples pattern if you have configured colors in rg config file instead of command line. For more enhanced settings of ansi colors see

You must use an output format that fit with helm grep, that is:


The option “–nogroup” allow this. The option “–line-numbers” is also mandatory except with PT (not supported). For RG the options “–no-heading” and “–line-number” are the ones to use.

When modifying the default colors of matches with e.g. “–color-match” option of AG or “–colors” option of ripgrep you may want to modify as well helm-grep-ag-pipe-cmd-switches to have all matches colorized with the same color in multi match.

Of course you can use several other options, see the man page of the backend you are using.


Standard Value: git –no-pager grep -n%cH –color=always –full-name -e %p – %f

The git grep default command line. The option “–color=always” can be used safely. The color of matched items can be customized in your .gitconfig See helm-grep-default-command for more infos.

The “–exclude-standard” and “–no-index” switches allow skipping unwanted files specified in ~/.gitignore_global and searching files not already staged (not enabled by default).

You have also to enable this in global “.gitconfig” with “git config –global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global”.



Standard Value:

(("Find File" . helm-grep-action)
 ("Find file other frame" . helm-grep-other-frame)
 ("Save results in grep buffer" . helm-grep-save-results)
 ("Find file other window (C-u vertically)" . helm-grep-other-window))

Actions for helm grep.


Standard Value: 0.1

Idle time before updating, specified in seconds. A lower value (default) means Helm will display the results faster. Increasing it to a higher value (e.g. 0.6) prevents the buffer from flickering when updating.


Standard Value: 100

Max number of elements to save in helm-grep-history.


Standard Value: nil

This file extension will be preselected for grep.


Standard Value: nil

When hgrep already exists, auto append suffix.


Standard Value: t

When nil the grep line that appears will not be truncated.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-grep   [Contents][Index]

1.23.7 Hooks in library ‘helm-grep



Standard Value: nil

Hook that runs after initialization of the Helm buffer.


Standard Value: nil

Hook that runs before initialization of the Helm buffer.



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering helm-grep mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.24 Library: helm-help

Up: Library helm-help   [Contents][Index]

1.24.1 Commands in library helm-help (excludes keymaps)


C-x c h h (helm-documentation)

Preconfigured helm for Helm documentation. With a prefix arg refresh the documentation.

Find here the documentation of all documented sources.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.25 Library: helm-id-utils

Next: , Up: Library helm-id-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.25.1 Commands in library helm-id-utils (excludes keymaps)


C-x c M-g i (helm-gid)

Preconfigured helm for gid command line of ID-Utils. Need A database created with the command mkid above default-directory. Need id-utils as dependency which provide mkid, gid etc.. See

Previous: , Up: Library helm-id-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.25.2 Options in library ‘helm-id-utils



Standard Value: ID

Name of a database file created by mkid command from ID-utils.


Standard Value: gid

Name of gid command (usually gid). For Mac OS X users, if you install GNU coreutils, the name gid might be occupied by id from GNU coreutils, and you should set it to correct name (or absolute path). For example, if using MacPorts to install id-utils, it should be gid32.

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1.26 Library: helm-imenu

Next: , Up: Library helm-imenu   [Contents][Index]

1.26.1 Commands in keymap helm-imenu-map


M-<down> (helm-imenu-next-section)
M-<up> (helm-imenu-previous-section)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-imenu   [Contents][Index]

1.26.2 Commands in library helm-imenu (excludes keymaps)


C-x c i (helm-imenu)

Preconfigured helm for imenu.

C-x c I (helm-imenu-in-all-buffers)

Preconfigured helm for fetching imenu entries in all buffers with similar mode as current. A mode is similar as current if it is the same, it is derived i.e. derived-mode-p or it have an association in helm-imenu-all-buffer-assoc.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-imenu   [Contents][Index]

1.26.3 Options in library ‘helm-imenu



Standard Value: nil

Major mode association alist for helm-imenu-in-all-buffers. Allow helm-imenu-in-all-buffers searching in these associated buffers even if they are not derived from each other. The alist is bidirectional, i.e. no need to add ’((foo . bar) (bar . foo)), only ’((foo . bar)) is needed.


Standard Value: t

Display imenu index of each buffer in its own source when non-nil.

When nil all candidates are displayed in a single source.

NOTE: Each source will have as name “Imenu <buffer-name>”. helm-source-imenu-all will not be set, however it will continue to be used as a flag for using default as input. If you do not want this behavior, remove it from helm-sources-using-default-as-input even if not using a single source to display imenu in all buffers.



Standard Value: /

Delimit types of candidates and their value in helm-buffer.


Standard Value: helm-imenu–execute-action-at-once-p

Goto the candidate when only one is remaining.


Standard Value: nil

Extra modes where helm-imenu-in-all-buffers should look into.


Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-source-imenu.


Standard Value: nil

Use Arrow keys to jump to occurences.


Standard Value:

(("^Variables$" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
 ("^\\(Function\\|Functions\\|Defuns\\)$" . font-lock-function-name-face)
 ("^\\(Types\\|Provides\\|Requires\\|Classes\\|Class\\|Includes\\|Imports\\|Misc\\|Code\\)$" . font-lock-type-face))

Faces for showing type in helm-imenu. This is a list of cons cells. The cdr of each cell is a face to be used, and it can also just be like ’(:foreground “yellow”). Each car is a regexp match pattern of the imenu type string.

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1.27 Library: helm-info

Next: , Up: Library helm-info   [Contents][Index]

1.27.1 Modes in library helm-info



Predefined helm for nxml-mode info.


Predefined helm for octave-mode info.


Predefined helm for todo-mode info.


Predefined helm for vhdl-mode info.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-info   [Contents][Index]

1.27.2 Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)



Predefined helm for cvs info.


Predefined helm for pcl-cvs info.



Predefined helm for grub info.


Predefined helm for grub-dev info.



Predefined helm for find info.


Predefined helm for find-maint info.



Predefined helm for helm-manual info.


Predefined helm for helm-manual-1 info.



Predefined helm for automake-1 info.


Predefined helm for automake-history info.



Predefined helm for lzip info.


Predefined helm for lzip-compressor info.


Predefined helm for lzip-decompressor info.


C-x c h r (helm-info-emacs)

Predefined helm for emacs info.


Predefined helm for emacs-gnutls info.


Predefined helm for emacs-mime info.

R uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized


Predefined helm for R-FAQ info.


Predefined helm for R-admin info.


Predefined helm for R-data info.


Predefined helm for R-exts info.


Predefined helm for R-intro info.


Predefined helm for R-ints info.


Predefined helm for R-lang info.



Predefined helm for nxml-mode info.


Predefined helm for octave-mode info.


Predefined helm for todo-mode info.


Predefined helm for vhdl-mode info.

uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized


(helm-info &optional REFRESH)

Preconfigured helm for searching Info files’ indices.

With a prefix argument \[universal-argument], set REFRESH to non-nil.

Optional parameter REFRESH, when non-nil, re-evaluates helm-default-info-index-list. If the variable has been customized, set it to its saved value. If not, set it to its standard value. See custom-reevaluate-setting for more.

REFRESH is useful when new Info files are installed. If helm-default-info-index-list has not been customized, the new Info files are made available.

C-x c h i (helm-info-at-point)

Preconfigured helm for searching info at point.


Predefined helm for auth info.


Predefined helm for autosprintf info.


Predefined helm for autotype info.


Predefined helm for bc info.


Predefined helm for bovine info.


Predefined helm for bzip2 info.


Predefined helm for calc info.


Predefined helm for ccmode info.


Predefined helm for cl info.


Predefined helm for com_err info.


Predefined helm for coreutils info.


Predefined helm for cvsclient info.


Predefined helm for dbus info.


Predefined helm for dc info.


Predefined helm for diffutils info.


Predefined helm for dired-x info.


Predefined helm for dvipng info.


Predefined helm for dvips info.


Predefined helm for ebrowse info.


Predefined helm for ed info.


Predefined helm for ede info.


Predefined helm for ediff info.


Predefined helm for edt info.


Predefined helm for eieio info.


Predefined helm for eintr info.


Predefined helm for elisp info.


Predefined helm for emms info.


Predefined helm for epa info.


Predefined helm for erc info.


Predefined helm for ert info.


Predefined helm for eshell info.


Predefined helm for eudc info.


Predefined helm for eww info.


Predefined helm for fastjar info.


Predefined helm for flex info.


Predefined helm for flymake info.


Predefined helm for fontname info.


Predefined helm for forms info.


Predefined helm for gettext info.


Predefined helm for global info.


Predefined helm for gnupg info.

C-x c h g (helm-info-gnus)

Predefined helm for gnus info.


Predefined helm for gpm info.


Predefined helm for grep info.


Predefined helm for gzip info.


Predefined helm for helm info.


Predefined helm for helm-bugs info.


Predefined helm for helm-devel info.


Predefined helm for htmlfontify info.


Predefined helm for idlwave info.


Predefined helm for ido info.


Predefined helm for idutils info.


Predefined helm for info info.


Predefined helm for info-stnd info.


Predefined helm for kpathsea info.


Predefined helm for latex2man info.


Predefined helm for libffi info.


Predefined helm for m4 info.


Predefined helm for mairix-el info.


Predefined helm for message info.


Predefined helm for mh-e info.


Predefined helm for nano info.


Predefined helm for nettle info.


Predefined helm for newsticker info.


Predefined helm for org info.


Predefined helm for pgg info.


Predefined helm for rcirc info.


Predefined helm for rcs info.


Predefined helm for reftex info.


Predefined helm for remember info.


Predefined helm for rluserman info.


Predefined helm for sasl info.


Predefined helm for sc info.


Predefined helm for sed info.


Predefined helm for semantic info.


Predefined helm for ses info.


Predefined helm for sharutils info.


Predefined helm for sieve info.


Predefined helm for smtpmail info.


Predefined helm for spd-say info.


Predefined helm for speech-dispatcher info.


Predefined helm for speedbar info.


Predefined helm for srecode info.


Predefined helm for ssip info.


Predefined helm for tds info.


Predefined helm for texi2html info.


Predefined helm for texinfo info.


Predefined helm for time info.


Predefined helm for tlbuild info.


Predefined helm for tramp info.


Predefined helm for url info.


Predefined helm for vip info.


Predefined helm for viper info.


Predefined helm for wdiff info.


Predefined helm for web2c info.


Predefined helm for wget info.


Predefined helm for widget info.


Predefined helm for wisent info.


Predefined helm for woman info.


Predefined helm for xboard info.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-info   [Contents][Index]

1.27.3 Options in library ‘helm-info



Standard Value:

("helm-bugs" "helm-devel" "helm-manual-1" "helm-manual" "helm" "emms" "R-FAQ" "R-admin" "R-data" "R-exts" "R-intro" "R-ints" "R-lang" "auth" "automake-1" "automake-history" "autosprintf" "autotype" "bc" "bovine" "bzip2" "calc" "ccmode" "cl" "com_err" "coreutils" "cvs" "cvsclient" "dbus" "dc" "diffutils" "dired-x" "dvipng" "dvips" "ebrowse" "ed" "ede" "ediff" "edt" "eieio" "eintr" "elisp" "emacs-gnutls" "emacs-mime" "emacs" "epa" "erc" "ert" "eshell" "eudc" "eww" "fastjar" "find-maint" "find" "flex" "flymake" "fontname" "forms" "gettext" "global" "gnupg" "gnus" "gpm" "grep" "grub-dev" "grub" "gzip" "htmlfontify" "idlwave" "ido" "idutils" "info-stnd" "info" "kpathsea" "latex2man" "libffi" "lzip-compressor" "lzip-decompressor" "lzip" "m4" "mairix-el" "message" "mh-e" "nano" "nettle" "newsticker" "nxml-mode" "octave-mode" "org" "pcl-cvs" "pgg" "rcirc" "rcs" "reftex" "remember" "rluserman" "sasl" "sc" "sed" "semantic" "ses" "sharutils" "sieve" "smtpmail" "spd-say" "speech-dispatcher" "speedbar" "srecode" "ssip" "tds" "texi2html" "texinfo" "time" "tlbuild" "todo-mode" "tramp" "url" "vhdl-mode" "vip" "viper" "wdiff" "web2c" "wget" "widget" "wisent" "woman" "xboard")

Info files to search in with helm-info.


Standard Value:

(helm-source-info-elisp helm-source-info-cl helm-source-info-eieio helm-source-info-pages)

Default sources to use for looking up symbols at point in Info files with helm-info-at-point.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.28 Library: helm-lib

Next: , Up: Library helm-lib   [Contents][Index]

1.28.1 Commands in library helm-lib (excludes keymaps)



Undo last entry added by helm-yank-text-at-point.


(helm-yank-text-at-point ARG)

Yank text at point in helm-current-buffer into minibuffer.



Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-lib   [Contents][Index]

1.28.2 Options in library ‘helm-lib



Standard Value:

("\\.o$" "~$" "\\.bin$" "\\.lbin$" "\\.so$" "\\.a$" "\\.ln$" "\\.blg$" "\\.bbl$" "\\.elc$" "\\.lof$" "\\.glo$" "\\.idx$" "\\.lot$" "\\.svn\\(/\\|$\\)" "\\.hg\\(/\\|$\\)" "\\.git\\(/\\|$\\)" "\\.bzr\\(/\\|$\\)" "CVS\\(/\\|$\\)" "_darcs\\(/\\|$\\)" "_MTN\\(/\\|$\\)" "\\.fmt$" "\\.tfm$" "\\.class$" "\\.fas$" "\\.lib$" "\\.mem$" "\\.x86f$" "\\.sparcf$" "\\.dfsl$" "\\.pfsl$" "\\.d64fsl$" "\\.p64fsl$" "\\.lx64fsl$" "\\.lx32fsl$" "\\.dx64fsl$" "\\.dx32fsl$" "\\.fx64fsl$" "\\.fx32fsl$" "\\.sx64fsl$" "\\.sx32fsl$" "\\.wx64fsl$" "\\.wx32fsl$" "\\.fasl$" "\\.ufsl$" "\\.fsl$" "\\.dxl$" "\\.lo$" "\\.la$" "\\.gmo$" "\\.mo$" "\\.toc$" "\\.aux$" "\\.cp$" "\\.fn$" "\\.ky$" "\\.pg$" "\\.tp$" "\\.vr$" "\\.cps$" "\\.fns$" "\\.kys$" "\\.pgs$" "\\.tps$" "\\.vrs$" "\\.pyc$" "\\.pyo$")

A list of regexps matching boring files.

This list is build by default on completion-ignored-extensions. The directory names should end with “?“ e.g. ”\.git?” and the file names should end with “”.

These regexps may be used to match the entire path, not just the file name, so for example to ignore files with a prefix “.bak.”, use “\.bak\..*$” as the regexp.

NOTE: When modifying this, be sure to use customize interface or the customize functions e.g. customize-set-variable and NOT setq.


Standard Value: t

Same as globstar bash shopt option. When non-nil a pattern beginning with two stars will expand recursively. Directories expansion is not supported yet.



Standard Value: [SPC,C-v,next:ScrollUp b,M-v,prior:ScrollDown TAB:Cycle M-TAB:All C-s/r:Isearch q:Quit]

The prompt used in helm-help.


Standard Value: t

Display help window in full frame when non nil.

Even when nil probably the same result (full frame) can be reached by tweaking display-buffer-alist, but it is much more convenient to use a simple boolean value here.


Standard Value:

(("C-v" . helm-help-scroll-up)
 ("SPC" . helm-help-scroll-up)
 ("<next>" . helm-help-scroll-up)
 ("M-v" . helm-help-scroll-down)
 ("b" . helm-help-scroll-down)
 ("<prior>" . helm-help-scroll-down)
 ("C-s" . isearch-forward)
 ("C-r" . isearch-backward)
 ("C-a" . move-beginning-of-line)
 ("C-e" . move-end-of-line)
 ("C-f" . forward-char)
 ("<right>" . forward-char)
 ("C-b" . backward-char)
 ("<left>" . backward-char)
 ("C-n" . helm-help-next-line)
 ("C-p" . helm-help-previous-line)
 ("<down>" . helm-help-next-line)
 ("<up>" . helm-help-previous-line)
 ("M-a" . backward-sentence)
 ("M-e" . forward-sentence)
 ("M-f" . forward-word)
 ("M-b" . backward-word)
 ("M->" . end-of-buffer)
 ("M-<" . beginning-of-buffer)
 ("C-SPC" . helm-help-toggle-mark)
 ("C-M-SPC" . mark-sexp)
 ("TAB" . org-cycle)
 ("C-m" . helm-help-org-open-at-point)
 ("C-&" . helm-help-org-mark-ring-goto)
 ("C-%" . org-mark-ring-push)
 ("M-TAB" . helm-help-org-cycle)
 ("M-w" . helm-help-copy-region-as-kill)
 ("q" . helm-help-quit))

Alist of (KEY . FUNCTION) for helm-help.

This is not a standard keymap, just an alist where it is possible to define a simple KEY (a string with no spaces) associated with a FUNCTION. More complex key like “C-x C-x” are not supported. Interactive functions will be called interactively whereas other functions will be called with funcall except commands that are in helm-help-not-interactive-command. For convenience you can add bindings here with helm-help-define-key.



Standard Value: describe-function

Function used to describe functions in Helm.


Standard Value: describe-variable

Function used to describe variables in Helm.


Standard Value: nil

The function used to forward point with helm-yank-text-at-point. With a nil value, fallback to default forward-word. The function should take one arg, an integer like forward-word. NOTE: Using forward-symbol here is not very useful as it is already provided by M-n.



Standard Value: t

Override push-mark with a version avoiding duplicates when non-nil.


Standard Value: nil

Scroll amount when scrolling other window in a helm session. It is used by helm-scroll-other-window and helm-scroll-other-window-down.

If you prefer scrolling line by line, set this value to 1.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-lib   [Contents][Index]

1.28.3 Hooks in library ‘helm-lib



Standard Value: nil

A hook that runs when helm-help exits.


Standard Value: nil

A hook that runs before helm-help starts.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.29 Library: helm-locate

Next: , Up: Library helm-locate   [Contents][Index]

1.29.1 Commands in keymap helm-locate-map


DEL (helm-delete-backward-no-update)

(helm-delete-backward-no-update ARG)

Disable update and delete ARG chars backward. Update is reenabled when idle 1s.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-locate   [Contents][Index]

1.29.2 Commands in library helm-locate (excludes keymaps)


C-x c l (helm-locate)

(helm-locate ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Locate. Note: you can add locate options after entering pattern. See ’man locate’ for valid options and also helm-locate-command.

You can specify a local database with prefix argument ARG. With two prefix arg, refresh the current local db or create it if it doesn’t exists.

To create a user specific db, use “updatedb -l 0 -o db_path -U directory”. Where db_path is a filename matched by helm-locate-db-file-regexp.


(helm-projects-find-files UPDATE)

Find files with locate in helm-locate-project-list. With a prefix arg refresh the database in each project.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-locate   [Contents][Index]

1.29.3 Options in library ‘helm-locate



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-locate. Note that when this is enabled searching is done on basename.


Standard Value: helm-locate-default-fuzzy-sort-fn

Default fuzzy matching sort function for locate.



Standard Value: locate.db

The basename of the locatedb file you use locally in your directories. When this is set and Helm finds such a file in the directory from where you launch locate, it will use this file and will not prompt you for a db file. Note that this happen only when locate is launched with a prefix arg.


Standard Value: m?locate.db$

Default regexp to match locate database. If nil Search in all files.



Standard Value: nil

A list of arguments for locate program.

Helm will calculate a default value for your system on startup unless helm-locate-command is non-nil.

Here are the default values it will use according to your system:

Gnu/linux: “locate %s -e -A –regex %s” berkeley-unix: “locate %s %s” windows-nt: “es %s %s” Others: “locate %s %s”

This string will be passed to format so it should end with %s. The first format spec is used for the “-i” value of locate/es, so don’t set it directly but use helm-locate-case-fold-search for this.

The last option must be the one preceding pattern i.e “-r” or “–regex”.

You will be able to pass other options such as “-b” or “l” during Helm invocation after entering pattern only when multi matching, not when fuzzy matching.

Note that the “-b” option is added automatically by Helm when var helm-locate-fuzzy-match is non-nil and switching back from multimatch to fuzzy matching (this is done automatically when a space is detected in pattern).


Standard Value: updatedb -l 0 -o ’%s’ -U ’%s’

Command used to create a locale locate db file.


Standard Value: locate -i -e -A –regex ’^%s’ ’%s.*$’

Command used for recursive directories completion in helm-find-files.

For Windows and es use something like “es -r ^%s.*%s.*$”

The two format specs are mandatory.

If for some reasons you can’t use locate because your filesystem doesn’t have a database, you can use find command from findutils but be aware that it will be much slower. See helm-find-files embedded help for more infos.



Standard Value: smart

It have the same meaning as helm-case-fold-search. The -i option of locate will be used depending of value of helm-pattern when this is set to ’smart. When nil “-i” will not be used at all and when non-nil it will always be used. NOTE: the -i option of the “es” command used on windows does the opposite of “locate” command.


Standard Value: nil

A list of directories, your projects. When set, allow browsing recursively files in all directories of this list with helm-projects-find-files.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.30 Library: helm-man

Next: , Up: Library helm-man   [Contents][Index]

1.30.1 Commands in library helm-man (excludes keymaps)


C-x c m (helm-man-woman)

(helm-man-woman ARG)

Preconfigured helm for Man and Woman pages. With a prefix arg reinitialize the cache.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-man   [Contents][Index]

1.30.2 Options in library ‘helm-man



Standard Value: -l %s

Arguments to pass to the manual-entry function. Arguments are passed to manual-entry with format.


Standard Value: Man-getpage-in-background

Default command to display a man page.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.31 Library: helm-misc

Next: , Up: Library helm-misc   [Contents][Index]

1.31.1 Commands in library helm-misc (excludes keymaps)



Preconfigured helm to execute ratpoison commands.


Preconfigured helm for stumpwm commands.



Preconfigured helm for latex math symbols completion.


Preconfigured helm to show world time. Default action change TZ environment variable locally to emacs.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-misc   [Contents][Index]

1.31.2 Options in library ‘helm-misc



Standard Value: t

Allow inserting non matching elements when nil or ’confirm.


Standard Value: Paris

The time zone of your home.


Standard Value:

(("Set timezone env (TZ)" lambda
  (setenv "TZ" candidate)))

Actions for helm-timezone.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.32 Library: helm-mode

Next: , Up: Library helm-mode   [Contents][Index]

1.32.1 Modes in library helm-mode



(helm-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle generic helm completion.

If called interactively, toggle Helm mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

All functions in Emacs that use completing-read, read-file-name, completion-in-region and friends will use helm interface when this mode is turned on.

However you can modify this behavior for functions of your choice with helm-completing-read-handlers-alist.

Called with a positive arg, turn on unconditionally, with a negative arg turn off. You can toggle it with M-x helm-mode.

About ido-mode: DO NOT enable ido-everywhere when using helm-mode. Instead of using ido-mode, add the commands where you want to use ido to helm-completing-read-handlers-alist with ido as value.

Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-mode   [Contents][Index]

1.32.2 Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map


M-RET (helm-cr-empty-string)

Return empty string.

DEL (helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe)

Delete char backward when text is not the prefix helm is completing against. First call warns user about deleting prefix completion. Second call deletes backward char in current-buffer and quits helm completion, letting the user start a new completion with a new prefix.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-mode   [Contents][Index]

1.32.3 Commands in library helm-mode (excludes keymaps)





(helm-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle generic helm completion.

If called interactively, toggle Helm mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

All functions in Emacs that use completing-read, read-file-name, completion-in-region and friends will use helm interface when this mode is turned on.

However you can modify this behavior for functions of your choice with helm-completing-read-handlers-alist.

Called with a positive arg, turn on unconditionally, with a negative arg turn off. You can toggle it with M-x helm-mode.

About ido-mode: DO NOT enable ido-everywhere when using helm-mode. Instead of using ido-mode, add the commands where you want to use ido to helm-completing-read-handlers-alist with ido as value.

Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-mode   [Contents][Index]

1.32.4 Options in library ‘helm-mode



Standard Value: smart

Default Local setting of helm-case-fold-search for helm-comp-read. See helm-case-fold-search for more info.



Standard Value:

((find-tag . helm-completing-read-default-find-tag)
 (xref-find-definitions . helm-completing-read-default-find-tag)
 (xref-find-references . helm-completing-read-default-find-tag)
 (ggtags-find-tag-dwim . helm-completing-read-default-find-tag)
 (dired-do-rename . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (dired-do-copy . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (dired-do-symlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (dired-do-relsymlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (dired-do-hardlink . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (basic-save-buffer . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (write-file . helm-read-file-name-handler-1)
 (write-region . helm-read-file-name-handler-1))

Completing read functions for specific Emacs commands.

By default helm-mode use helm-completing-read-default-handler to provide helm completion in each completing-read or read-file-name found, but other functions can be specified here for specific commands. This also allows disabling helm completion for some commands when needed.

Each entry is a cons cell like (EMACS_COMMAND . COMPLETING-READ_HANDLER) where key and value are symbols.

Each key is an Emacs command that use originaly completing-read.

Each value maybe a helm function that takes same arguments as completing-read plus NAME and BUFFER, where NAME is the name of the new helm source and BUFFER the name of the buffer we will use, but it can be also a function not using helm, in this case the function should take the same args as completing-read and not be prefixed by “helm-”.

helm will use the name of the command calling completing-read as NAME and BUFFER will be computed as well with NAME but prefixed with “*helm-mode-”.

This function prefix name must start by “helm-” when it uses helm, otherwise helm assumes the function is not a helm function and expects the same args as completing-read, this allows you to define a handler not using helm completion.


(defun foo/test () (interactive) (message “%S” (completing-read “test: ” ’(a b c d e))))

(defun helm-foo/test-completing-read-handler (prompt collection predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method name buffer) (helm-comp-read prompt collection :marked-candidates t :name name :buffer buffer))

(add-to-list ’helm-completing-read-handlers-alist ’(foo/test . helm-foo/test-completing-read-handler))

We want here to make the regular completing-read in foo/test return a list of candidate(s) instead of a single candidate.

Note that this function will be reused for ALL the completing-read of this command, so it should handle all cases. E.g., if first completing-read completes against symbols and second completing-read should handle only buffer, your specialized function should handle both.

If the value of an entry is nil completion will fall back to Emacs vanilla behaviour. Example:

If you want to disable helm completion for describe-function, use:

(describe-function . nil)

Ido is also supported, you can use ido-completing-read and ido-read-file-name as value of an entry or just ’ido. Example: Enable ido completion for find-file:

(find-file . ido)

same as

(find-file . ido-read-file-name)

Note that you don’t need to enable ido-mode for this to work, see helm-mode documentation.



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-mode globally.

This is deprecated, use instead helm-fuzzy as helm-completion-style or even better ’emacs as helm-completion-style and add ’flex to completion-styles (emacs-27) or ’helm-flex if ’flex is not available in completion-styles-alist (emacs-26).


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: t

Display history source after current source when non nil.

Apply only in helm-mode handled commands.



Standard Value: helm-completion-in-region-sort-fn

The default sort function to sort candidates in completion-in-region.

When nil no sorting is done. The function is a filtered-candidate-transformer function which takes two args CANDIDATES and SOURCE. The function must use the flag helm-completion--sorting-done and return CANDIDATES unchanged when the flag is nil. See default function helm-completion-in-region-sort-fn as example. It will be used only when helm-completion-style is either Emacs or helm, otherwise when helm-fuzzy style is used, the fuzzy sort function will be used.


Standard Value: t

Push mark at end of suffix when non nil.


Standard Value: helm

Style of completion to use in completion-in-region.

This affects only completion-at-point and friends, and the completing-read using the default handler i.e. helm-completing-read-default-handler.

NB: This has nothing to do with completion-styles, it is independent from helm, but when using ’emacs as helm-completion-style helm will use the completion-styles for its completions. Up to the user to configure completion-styles.

There are three possible values to use:

For a better experience, if you don’t know what to use, set completion-styles to ’(flex) if you are using emacs-27 or to ’(helm-flex) if you are using emacs-26 and keep ’emacs as default value for helm-completion-style. Advanced users can also have a look to completion-category-overrides to set styles according to category.

Please use custom interface or customize-set-variable to set this, NOT setq.


Standard Value:

((gud-mode . helm))

Allow configuring helm-completion-style per mode.

Each entry is a cons cell like (mode . style) where style must be a suitable value for helm-completion-style. When specifying emacs as style for a mode, completion-styles can be specified by using a cons cell specifying completion-styles to use with helm emacs style, e.g. (foo-mode . (emacs helm flex)) will set completion-styles to ’(helm flex) for foo-mode. This affects only completions happening in buffers and not minibuffer completions, i.e. completing-read’s.


Standard Value: t

Whether to replace or not completion-in-region-function. This enables support for completing-read-multiple and completion-at-point when non–nil.


Standard Value: nil

A list of modes that do not want helm for completion-in-region.



Standard Value: t

(helm-mode &optional ARG)

Toggle generic helm completion.

If called interactively, toggle Helm mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

All functions in Emacs that use completing-read, read-file-name, completion-in-region and friends will use helm interface when this mode is turned on.

However you can modify this behavior for functions of your choice with helm-completing-read-handlers-alist.

Called with a positive arg, turn on unconditionally, with a negative arg turn off. You can toggle it with M-x helm-mode.

About ido-mode: DO NOT enable ido-everywhere when using helm-mode. Instead of using ido-mode, add the commands where you want to use ido to helm-completing-read-handlers-alist with ido as value.

Note: This mode is incompatible with Emacs23.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-mode   [Contents][Index]

1.32.5 Hooks in library ‘helm-mode



Standard Value:


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value:


Incompatible minibuffer-setup-hook functions go here. A list of symbols. helm-mode is rejecting all lambda’s, byte-code fns and all functions belonging in this list from minibuffer-setup-hook. This is mainly needed to prevent “Completions” buffers to popup.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.33 Library: helm-multi-match

Next: , Up: Library helm-multi-match   [Contents][Index]

1.33.1 Modes in library helm-multi-match



(helm-migemo-mode &optional ARG)

Enable migemo in helm. It will be available in the sources handling it, i.e. the sources which have the slot :migemo with non–nil value.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Migemo mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-multi-match   [Contents][Index]

1.33.2 Commands in library helm-multi-match (excludes keymaps)



(helm-migemo-mode &optional ARG)

Enable migemo in helm. It will be available in the sources handling it, i.e. the sources which have the slot :migemo with non–nil value.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Migemo mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-multi-match   [Contents][Index]

1.33.3 Options in library ‘helm-multi-match



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-migemo-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)



Standard Value: nil

(helm-migemo-mode &optional ARG)

Enable migemo in helm. It will be available in the sources handling it, i.e. the sources which have the slot :migemo with non–nil value.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Migemo mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value: multi3

Matching method for helm match plugin. You can set here different methods to match candidates in helm. Here are the possible value of this symbol and their meaning:

Default is multi3, you should keep this for a better experience.

Note that multi1 and multi3p are incompatible with fuzzy matching in file completion and by the way fuzzy matching will be disabled there when these options are used.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-multi-match   [Contents][Index]

1.33.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-multi-match



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-migemo-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.34 Library: helm-net

Next: , Up: Library helm-net   [Contents][Index]

1.34.1 Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)



(helm-browse-url-chromium URL &optional IGNORE)

Browse URL with Google Chrome browser.


(helm-browse-url-conkeror URL &optional IGNORE)

Browse URL with conkeror browser.


(helm-browse-url-firefox URL &optional IGNORE)

Same as browse-url-firefox but detach from Emacs.

So when you quit Emacs you can keep your Firefox session open and not be prompted to kill the Firefox process.

NOTE: Probably not supported on some systems (e.g., Windows).


(helm-browse-url-next URL &optional IGNORE)

Browse URL with next browser.


(helm-browse-url-opera URL &optional IGNORE)

Browse URL with Opera browser and detach from Emacs.

So when you quit Emacs you can keep your Opera session open and not be prompted to kill the Opera process.

NOTE: Probably not supported on some systems (e.g., Windows).


(helm-browse-url-uzbl URL &optional IGNORE)

Browse URL with uzbl browser.


C-x c C-c g (helm-google-suggest)

Preconfigured helm for Google search with Google suggest.

C-x c s (helm-surfraw)

(helm-surfraw PATTERN ENGINE)

Preconfigured helm to search PATTERN with search ENGINE.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-net   [Contents][Index]

1.34.2 Options in library ‘helm-net



Standard Value: nil

The browse url function you prefer to use with surfraw. When nil, fallback to browse-url-browser-function.



Standard Value:

("-s" "-L")

Arguments list passed to curl when using helm-net-prefer-curl.


Standard Value: nil

When non–nil use CURL external program to fetch data. Otherwise url-retrieve-synchronously is used.



Standard Value: -new-tab

Allow choosing to browse url in new window or new tab. Can be “-new-tab” (default) or “-new-window”.


Standard Value:

Default url to use as home url.


Standard Value:

The Duckduckgo url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s. If you have personal settings saved on duckduckgo you should have a personal url, see your settings on duckduckgo.

Suggest Url


Standard Value:

The IMDb search url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.


Standard Value:

The Wikipedia search url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.


Standard Value:

The Youtube search url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.

Suggest Google Url


Standard Value:

URL used for Google searching. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.


Standard Value:

URL used for looking up Google suggestions. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.


Standard Value:

The Google Maps search url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.


Standard Value:

The Google News search url. This is a format string, don’t forget the %s.

Suggest Google uncategorized


Standard Value:

(("Google Search" . helm-google-suggest-action)
 ("Wikipedia" lambda
  (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url candidate))
 ("Youtube" lambda
  (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url candidate))
 ("IMDb" lambda
  (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url candidate))
 ("Google Maps" lambda
  (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url candidate))
 ("Google News" lambda
  (helm-search-suggest-perform-additional-action helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url candidate)))

List of actions for google suggest sources.


Standard Value: nil

The browse url function you prefer to use with Google suggest. When nil, use the first browser function available See helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist.


Standard Value: nil

When non–nil use CURL external program to fetch data. Otherwise url-retrieve-synchronously is used.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.35 Library: helm-occur

Next: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.1 Modes in library helm-occur



Major mode to provide actions in helm moccur saved buffer.

Special commands: \{helm-occur-mode-map}

In addition to any hooks its parent mode special-mode might have run, this mode runs the hook helm-occur-mode-hook, as the final or penultimate step during initialization.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.2 Commands in keymap helm-occur-map


C-c C-o (helm-occur-run-goto-line-of)

Run goto line new frame action from helm-occur.

C-c o (helm-occur-run-goto-line-ow)

Run goto line other window action from helm-occur.

C-x C-s (helm-occur-run-save-buffer)

Run moccur save results action from helm-moccur.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.3 Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map

uncategorized File

M-N (helm-gm-next-file)
M-P (helm-gm-precedent-file)

uncategorized Occur

RET (helm-occur-mode-goto-line)
C-o (helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow)
M-p (helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward)

(helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward ARG)

M-n (helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward)

(helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward ARG)

C-c b (helm-occur-mode-resume-session)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.4 Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)



(helm-occur-mode-mouse-goto-line EVENT)



Invoke helm-multi-occur from isearch.

With a prefix arg, reverse the behavior of helm-moccur-always-search-in-current. The prefix arg can be set before calling helm-multi-occur-from-isearch or during the buffer selection.

To use this bind it to a key in isearch-mode-map.


Invoke helm-occur from isearch.

To use this bind it to a key in isearch-mode-map.



Major mode to provide actions in helm moccur saved buffer.

Special commands: \{helm-occur-mode-map}

In addition to any hooks its parent mode special-mode might have run, this mode runs the hook helm-occur-mode-hook, as the final or penultimate step during initialization.


C-x c M-s o
M-s o (helm-occur)

Preconfigured helm for searching lines matching pattern in current-buffer.

When helm-source-occur is member of helm-sources-using-default-as-input which is the default, symbol at point is searched at startup.

When a region is marked search only in this region by narrowing.

To search in multiples buffers start from one of the commands listing buffers (i.e. a helm command using helm-source-buffers-list like helm-mini) and use the multi occur buffers action.

This is the helm implementation that collect lines matching pattern like vanilla Emacs occur but have nothing to do with it, the search engine beeing completely different and also much faster.


helm-occur action for right arrow. This is used when helm-occur-use-ioccur-style-keys is enabled. If follow is enabled (default) go to next source, otherwise execute persistent action.


Run helm-occur on all visible buffers in frame.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.5 Options in library ‘helm-occur

uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized


Standard Value:

(("Go to Line" . helm-occur-goto-line)
 ("Goto line other window (C-u vertically)" . helm-occur-goto-line-ow)
 ("Goto line new frame" . helm-occur-goto-line-of)
 ("Save buffer" . helm-occur-save-results))

Actions for helm-occur.


Standard Value: nil

Helm multi occur always search in current buffer when non–nil.


Standard Value: nil

Allow auto updating helm-occur buffer when outdated. noask => Always update without asking nil => Don’t update but signal buffer needs update never => Never update and do not signal buffer needs update Any other non–nil value update after confirmation.


Standard Value:

((mu4e-headers-mode . buffer-substring))

Function to use to display buffer contents for major-mode.

Can be one of buffer-substring or buffer-substring-no-properties.

Note that when using buffer-substring initialization will be slower.


Standard Value: 99999

Value of helm-candidate-number-limit for helm-occur.


Standard Value: t

When non nil select closest candidate from point after update. This happen only in helm-source-occur which is always related to current-buffer.


Standard Value: t

Truncate lines in occur buffer when non nil.


Standard Value: nil

Similar to helm-grep-use-ioccur-style-keys but for multi occur.

Note that if you define this variable with setq your change will have no effect, use customize instead.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-occur   [Contents][Index]

1.35.6 Hooks in library ‘helm-occur



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering helm-moccur mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.36 Library: helm-regexp

Up: Library helm-regexp   [Contents][Index]

1.36.1 Commands in library helm-regexp (excludes keymaps)


C-x c r (helm-regexp)

Preconfigured helm to build regexps. query-replace-regexp can be run from there against found regexp.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.37 Library: helm-ring

Next: , Up: Library helm-ring   [Contents][Index]

1.37.1 Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map


M-D (helm-kill-ring-delete)

Delete marked candidates from kill-ring.

This is a command for helm-kill-ring-map.

C-c C-k (helm-kill-ring-kill-selection)

Store the real value of candidate in kill-ring. Same as helm-kill-selection-and-quit called with a prefix arg.

C-c d (helm-kill-ring-run-persistent-delete)

Delete current candidate without quitting.

C-s (helm-kill-ring-run-search-from-string)
C-] (helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated)

Toggle truncated view of candidates in helm kill-ring browser.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-ring   [Contents][Index]

1.37.2 Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)


C-x c M-y (helm-show-kill-ring)

Preconfigured helm for kill-ring. It is drop-in replacement of yank-pop.

First call open the kill-ring browser, next calls move to next line.


C-x c C-c SPC (helm-all-mark-rings)

Preconfigured helm for helm-source-global-mark-ring and helm-source-mark-ring.


Preconfigured helm for helm-source-global-mark-ring.


Preconfigured helm for helm-source-mark-ring.



Preconfigured helm for keyboard macros. Define your macros with f3 and f4. See (info “(emacs) Keyboard Macros”) for detailed infos. This command is useful when used with persistent action.

C-x c C-x r i (helm-register)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs registers.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-ring   [Contents][Index]

1.37.3 Options in library ‘helm-ring



Standard Value: 160

Max size of string register entries before truncating.



Standard Value:

(("Yank marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-yank)
 ("Delete marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-delete)
 ("Search from candidate" . helm-kill-ring-search-from-string))

List of actions for kill ring source.


Standard Value: 400

Max number of chars displayed per candidate in kill-ring browser. When t, don’t truncate candidate, show all. By default it is approximatively the number of bits contained in five lines of 80 chars each, i.e. 80*5. Note that if you set this to nil multiline will be disabled, i.e. you will not have separators between candidates any more.


Standard Value:

The separator used to separate marked candidates when yanking.


Standard Value: 3

Minimum length of a candidate to be listed by helm-source-kill-ring.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.38 Library: helm-semantic

Next: , Up: Library helm-semantic   [Contents][Index]

1.38.1 Commands in library helm-semantic (excludes keymaps)



(helm-semantic ARG)

Preconfigured helm for semantic. If ARG is supplied, pre-select symbol at point instead of current.


(helm-semantic-or-imenu ARG)

Preconfigured helm for semantic or imenu. If ARG is supplied, pre-select symbol at point instead of current semantic tag in scope.

If semantic-mode is active in the current buffer, then use semantic for generating tags, otherwise fall back to imenu. Fill in the symbol at point by default.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-semantic   [Contents][Index]

1.38.2 Options in library ‘helm-semantic



Standard Value:

((python-mode . semantic-format-tag-summarize)
 (c-mode . semantic-format-tag-concise-prototype-c-mode)
 (emacs-lisp-mode . semantic-format-tag-abbreviate-emacs-lisp-mode))

Function to present a semantic tag according to major-mode.

It is an alist where the car of each element is a major-mode and the cdr a semantic-format-tag-* function.

If no function is found for current major-mode, fall back to semantic-format-tag-summarize default function.

You can have more or less informations depending of the semantic-format-tag-* function you choose.

All the supported functions are prefixed with “semantic-format-tag-”, you have completion on these functions with C-M i in the customize interface.


Standard Value: nil

Use Arrow keys to jump to occurences.



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-source-semantic.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.39 Library: helm-shell

Up: Library helm-shell   [Contents][Index]

1.39.1 Commands in library helm-shell (excludes keymaps)



Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of the current comint buffer.


Pre-configured helm to browse the prompts of all comint sessions.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.40 Library: helm-source

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.41 Library: helm-sys

Next: , Up: Library helm-sys   [Contents][Index]

1.41.1 Modes in library helm-sys



(helm-top-poll-mode &optional ARG)

Refresh automatically helm top buffer once enabled.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Top-Poll mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-sys   [Contents][Index]

1.41.2 Commands in keymap helm-top-map


M-C (helm-top-run-sort-by-com)
M-P (helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu)
M-M (helm-top-run-sort-by-mem)
M-U (helm-top-run-sort-by-user)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-sys   [Contents][Index]

1.41.3 Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)



(helm-top-poll-mode &optional ARG)

Refresh automatically helm top buffer once enabled.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Top-Poll mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.


C-x c p (helm-list-emacs-process)

Preconfigured helm for Emacs process.

C-x c t (helm-top)

Preconfigured helm for top command.


Preconfigured helm for xrandr.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-sys   [Contents][Index]

1.41.4 Options in library ‘helm-sys



Standard Value: env COLUMNS=%s top -b -n 1

Top command used to display output of top. A format string where %s will be replaced with frame-width.

To use ’top’ command, a version supporting batch mode (-b option) is needed. On Mac OSX ’top’ command doesn’t support this, so the ’ps’ command is used instead by default.

Normally ’top’ command output have 12 columns, but in some versions you may have less than this, so you can either customize top to use 12 columns with the interactives ’f’ and ’W’ commands of top, or modify helm-top-sort-columns-alist to fit with the number of columns your ’top’ command is using.

If you modify ’ps’ command be sure that ’pid’ comes in first and “env COLUMNS=%s” is specified at beginning of command. Ensure also that no elements contain spaces (e.g., use start_time and not start). Same as for ’top’: you can customize helm-top-sort-columns-alist to make sort commands working properly according to your settings.



Standard Value: 1.5

Helm top poll after this delay when helm-top-poll-mode is enabled. The minimal delay allowed is 1.5, if less than this helm-top will use 1.5.


Standard Value: 1.0

Helm top stop polling during this delay. This delay is added to helm-top-poll-delay after Emacs stops being idle.


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-top-poll-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value: linum

Stay on same line or follow candidate when helm-top-poll updates display. Possible values are ’candidate or ’linum. This affects also sorting functions in the same way.



Standard Value: nil

(helm-top-poll-mode &optional ARG)

Refresh automatically helm top buffer once enabled.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Top-Poll mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value:

((com . 11)
 (mem . 9)
 (cpu . 8)
 (user . 1))

Allow defining which column to use when sorting output of top/ps command. Only com, mem, cpu and user are sorted, so no need to put something else there, it will have no effect. Note that column numbers are counted from zero, i.e. column 1 is the nth 0 column.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-sys   [Contents][Index]

1.41.5 Hooks in library ‘helm-sys



Standard Value:


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-top-poll-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)



Standard Value: nil

Local hook for helm-top.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.42 Library: helm-tags

Next: , Up: Library helm-tags   [Contents][Index]

1.42.1 Commands in keymap helm-etags-map


C-c C-o (helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame)

Run switch to other frame action from helm-source-etags-select.

C-c o (helm-etags-run-switch-other-window)

Run switch to other window action from helm-source-etags-select.

M-<down> (helm-goto-next-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

M-<up> (helm-goto-precedent-file)

Go to previous file in Helm grep/etags buffers.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-tags   [Contents][Index]

1.42.2 Commands in library helm-tags (excludes keymaps)


C-x c e (helm-etags-select)

(helm-etags-select REINIT)

Preconfigured helm for etags. If called with a prefix argument REINIT or if any of the tag files have been modified, reinitialize cache.

This function aggregates three sources of tag files:

  1. An automatically located file in the parent directories, by helm-etags-get-tag-file.
  2. tags-file-name, which is commonly set by find-tag command.
  3. tags-table-list which is commonly set by visit-tags-table command.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-tags   [Contents][Index]

1.42.3 Options in library ‘helm-tags



Standard Value: TAGS

Etags tag file name.


Standard Value: 10

The limit level of directory to search tag file. Don’t search tag file deeply if outside this value.



Standard Value: nil

Use fuzzy matching in helm-etags-select.


Standard Value: tag

Allow choosing the tag part of CANDIDATE in helm-source-etags-select. A tag looks like this: filename: (defun foo You can choose matching against the tag part (i.e “(defun foo”), or against the whole candidate (i.e “(filename:5:(defun foo”).



Standard Value: t

Whether to jump straight to the selected tag if there’s only one match.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.43 Library: helm-types

Next: , Up: Library helm-types   [Contents][Index]

1.43.1 Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map

uncategorized Run Files

C-c C-a (helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files)

Run mail attach files command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-x C-q (helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired)

Execute helm-marked-files-in-dired interactively.

uncategorized Run Switch

C-c C-o (helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame)

Run switch to other frame action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c o (helm-ff-run-switch-other-window)

Run switch to other window action from helm-source-find-files. When a prefix arg is provided, split is done vertically.

uncategorized Run File Open

C-c C-x (helm-ff-run-open-file-externally)

Run open file externally command action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c X (helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool)

Run open file externally command action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized Run File Ediff

C-= (helm-ff-run-ediff-file)

Run Ediff file action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c = (helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file)

Run Ediff merge file action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized Run File uncategorized

M-B (helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file)

Run Byte compile file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-C (helm-ff-run-copy-file)

Run Copy file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-D (helm-ff-run-delete-file)

Run Delete file action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c r (helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root)
M-H (helm-ff-run-hardlink-file)

Run Hardlink file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-L (helm-ff-run-load-file)

Run Load file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-R (helm-ff-run-rename-file)

Run Rename file action from helm-source-find-files.

M-S (helm-ff-run-symlink-file)

Run Symlink file action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized Run uncategorized

M-g s (helm-ff-run-grep)

Run Grep action from helm-source-find-files.

C-c @ (helm-ff-run-insert-org-link)
M-g p (helm-ff-run-pdfgrep)

Run Pdfgrep action from helm-source-find-files.

C-] (helm-ff-run-toggle-basename)
M-g z (helm-ff-run-zgrep)

Run Grep action from helm-source-find-files.

uncategorized uncategorized

M-i (helm-ff-properties-persistent)

Show properties without quitting helm.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-types   [Contents][Index]

1.43.2 Options in library ‘helm-types



Standard Value:

(("Jump to bookmark" . helm-bookmark-jump)
 ("Jump to BM other window" . helm-bookmark-jump-other-window)
 ("Jump to BM other frame" . helm-bookmark-jump-other-frame)
 ("Bookmark edit annotation" . bookmark-edit-annotation)
 ("Bookmark show annotation" . bookmark-show-annotation)
 ("Delete bookmark(s)" . helm-delete-marked-bookmarks)
 ("Edit Bookmark" . helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark)
 ("Rename bookmark" . helm-bookmark-rename)
 ("Relocate bookmark" . bookmark-relocate))

Default actions for type bookmarks.


Standard Value:

(("Switch to buffer(s)" . helm-buffer-switch-buffers)
 ("Switch to buffer(s) other window ~C-c o~" . helm-buffer-switch-buffers-other-window)
 ("Switch to buffer other frame ~C-c C-o~" . switch-to-buffer-other-frame)
 ("Switch to buffer other tab ~C-c C-t~" . helm-buffers-switch-to-buffer-other-tab)
 ("Switch to buffer at line number" . helm-switch-to-buffer-at-linum)
 ("Browse project ~C-x C-d~" . helm-buffers-browse-project)
 ("Query replace regexp ~C-M-%~" . helm-buffer-query-replace-regexp)
 ("Query replace ~M-%~" . helm-buffer-query-replace)
 ("View buffer" . view-buffer)
 ("Display buffer" . display-buffer)
 ("Rename buffer ~M-R~" . helm-buffers-rename-buffer)
 ("Grep buffer(s) ~M-g s~ (C-u grep all buffers)" . helm-zgrep-buffers)
 ("Multi occur buffer(s) ~C-s (C-u search also in current)~" . helm-multi-occur-as-action)
 ("Revert buffer(s) ~M-G~" . helm-revert-marked-buffers)
 ("Insert buffer" . insert-buffer)
 ("Kill buffer(s) ~M-D~" . helm-kill-marked-buffers)
 ("Diff with file ~C-=~" . diff-buffer-with-file)
 ("Ediff Marked buffers ~C-c =~" . helm-ediff-marked-buffers)
 ("Ediff Merge marked buffers ~M-=~" .
  #[257 "\300\301\"\207"
        [helm-ediff-marked-buffers t]
        4 "\n\n(fn CANDIDATE)"]))

Default actions for type buffers.


Standard Value:

(("Execute command" . helm-M-x-execute-command)
 ("Describe function" . helm-describe-function)
 ("Find function" . xref-find-definitions)
 ("Info lookup" . helm-info-lookup-symbol)
 ("Debug on entry" . debug-on-entry)
 ("Cancel debug on entry" . cancel-debug-on-entry)
 ("Trace function" . trace-function)
 ("Trace function (background)" . trace-function-background)
 ("Untrace function" . untrace-function))

Default actions for type command.


Standard Value:

(("Find file" . helm-find-file-or-marked)
 ("Find file as root" . helm-find-file-as-root)
 ("Find file other window" . helm-find-files-other-window)
 ("Find file other frame" . find-file-other-frame)
 ("Open dired in file's directory" . helm-open-dired)
 ("Attach file(s) to mail buffer ~C-c C-a~" . helm-ff-mail-attach-files)
 ("Marked files in dired" . helm-marked-files-in-dired)
 ("Grep File(s) ~C-u recurse~" . helm-find-files-grep)
 ("Zgrep File(s) ~C-u Recurse~" . helm-ff-zgrep)
 ("Pdfgrep File(s)" . helm-ff-pdfgrep)
 ("Insert as org link" . helm-files-insert-as-org-link)
 ("Checksum File" . helm-ff-checksum)
 ("Ediff File" . helm-find-files-ediff-files)
 ("Ediff Merge File" . helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files)
 ("View file" . view-file)
 ("Insert file" . insert-file)
 ("Add marked files to file-cache" . helm-ff-cache-add-file)
 ("Delete file(s)" . helm-ff-delete-files)
 ("Copy file(s) ~M-C, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-copy)
 ("Rename file(s) ~M-R, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-rename)
 ("Symlink files(s) ~M-S, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-symlink)
 ("Relsymlink file(s) ~C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-relsymlink)
 ("Hardlink file(s) ~M-H, C-u to follow~" . helm-find-files-hardlink)
 ("Open file externally (C-u to choose)" . helm-open-file-externally)
 ("Open file with default tool" . helm-open-file-with-default-tool)
 ("Find file in hex dump" . hexl-find-file))

Default actions for type files.


Standard Value:

(("Describe function" . helm-describe-function)
 ("Find function" . xref-find-definitions)
 ("Info lookup" . helm-info-lookup-symbol)
 ("Debug on entry" . debug-on-entry)
 ("Cancel debug on entry" . cancel-debug-on-entry)
 ("Trace function" . trace-function)
 ("Trace function (background)" . trace-function-background)
 ("Untrace function" . untrace-function))

Default actions for type functions.


Standard Value:

(("Cancel Timer" lambda
    (cl-loop for timer in mkd do
             (cancel-timer timer))))
 ("Describe Function" lambda
   (timer--function tm)))
 ("Find Function" lambda
      (timer--function tm)
           (byte-code-function-p it)
           (helm-subr-native-elisp-p it))
          (message "Can't find anonymous function ~%s~" it)
        (find-function it)))))

Default actions for type timers.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.44 Library: helm-utils

Next: , Up: Library helm-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.44.1 Modes in library helm-utils



(helm-popup-tip-mode &optional ARG)

Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Popup-Tip mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.44.2 Commands in library helm-utils (excludes keymaps)



Display all sources previously hidden by helm-set-source-filter.


(helm-show-all-candidates-in-source ARG)

Toggle all or only candidate-number-limit cands in current source. With a numeric prefix arg show only the ARG number of candidates. The prefix arg has no effect when toggling to only candidate-number-limit.



(helm-popup-tip-mode &optional ARG)

Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Popup-Tip mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Drop into helm-find-files from helm. If current selection is a buffer or a file, helm-find-files from its directory.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Library helm-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.44.3 Options in library ‘helm-utils



Standard Value: nil

Maybe switch to other window vertically when non nil.

Possible values are t, nil and decide.

When t switch vertically. When nil switch horizontally. When decide try to guess if it is possible to switch vertically according to the setting of split-width-threshold and the size of the window from where splitting is done.

Note that when using decide and split-width-threshold is nil, the behavior is the same as with a nil value.



Standard Value: 12

The size of the helm-window when resizing on persistent action.



Standard Value: nil

A list of helm buffers where the helm-window should be reduced on persistent actions.



Standard Value: helm-html-decode-entities-string

Function used to decode HTML entities in HTML bookmarks. Helm comes by default with helm-html-decode-entities-string, if you need something more sophisticated you can use w3m-decode-entities-string if available.

In Emacs itself org-entities seem broken and xml-substitute-numeric-entities supports only numeric entities.


Standard Value: helm-window-default-split-fn

The default function to use when opening several buffers at once. It is typically used to rearrange windows.



Standard Value:

(15 . 15)

Number of lines around point where matched items are highlighted.

Possible value are:


Standard Value:

(15 . 15)

Number of lines around point where matched items are highlighted.

Possible value are:



Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-popup-tip-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)


Standard Value:

("Ack-Grep" "AG" "RG" "Gid" "Git-Grep")

Show the buffer name or the filename in a popup at selection.



Standard Value: nil

(helm-popup-tip-mode &optional ARG)

Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line.

If called interactively, toggle Helm-Popup-Tip mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is toggle. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

The mode’s hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.



Standard Value: 1024.0

Default Kbsize to use for showing files size. It is a float, usually 1024.0 but could be 1000.0 on some systems.


Standard Value: sudo

What command to use for root access.

Previous: , Up: Library helm-utils   [Contents][Index]

1.44.4 Hooks in library ‘helm-utils



Standard Value: nil

Hook that runs at end of helm-find-many-files.


Standard Value:


Run before jumping to line. This hook runs when jumping from helm-goto-line, helm-etags-default-action, and helm-imenu-default-action. This allows you to retrieve a previous position after using the different helm tools for searching (etags, grep, gid, (m)occur etc…). By default positions are added to mark-ring. You can also add to register by using (or adding) helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump instead. In this case last position is added to the register helm-save-pos-before-jump-register.


Standard Value:


Standard Value: nil

Hook run after entering or leaving helm-popup-tip-mode. No problems result if this variable is not bound. add-hook automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Previous: , Up: Package helm   [Contents][Index]

1.45 Library: helm-x-files

Up: Library helm-x-files   [Contents][Index]

1.45.1 Options in library ‘helm-x-files



Standard Value: nil

Enable fuzzy matching in helm-source-session when non–nil.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

2 Main Index

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

3 Key Index

Jump to:     /   8   <  
A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   L   M   P   R   S   T  
Index Entry  Section

 (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

/ (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

8 (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

<down> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
<down> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<execute>: Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)
<execute> (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<f1> a: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
<f1> a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<help> a: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
<help> a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<help> m (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<left> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
<left> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
<left> (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
<left> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<left> (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
<menu>: Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)
<menu> (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<next> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<open>: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
<open> (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<prior> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<right> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
<right> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
<tab> (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
<up> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
<up> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map

a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

c (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C- (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-! (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-, (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-. (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-/ (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-: (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-<backspace> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-<backspace> (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-<backspace> (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
C-<down> (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
C-<down> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-<down> (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
C-<left> (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
C-<return> (helm-comp-read-map): Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map
C-<return> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-<return> (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-<right> (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
C-<tab> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-<tab> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-<up> (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
C-<up> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-<up> (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
C-= (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-= (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-b (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-c  (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c  (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c  (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c % (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c - (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c / (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c 1 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 2 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 3 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 4 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 5 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 6 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 7 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 8 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c 9 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c = (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c = (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c = (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c > (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c ? (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c a (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c b (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
C-c C-a (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c C-a (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c C-f (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c C-k (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
C-c C-k (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c C-o (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
C-c C-o (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c C-o (helm-buffer-not-found-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-not-found-map
C-c C-o (helm-comint-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-comint-prompts-keymap
C-c C-o (helm-eshell-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-eshell-prompts-keymap
C-c C-o (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
C-c C-o (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c C-o (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c C-o (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
C-c C-o (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
C-c C-t (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c C-t (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c C-u (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c C-v (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c C-x (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-c C-x (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c C-x (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c C-y (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c d (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c d (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c d (helm-file-name-history-map): Commands in keymap helm-file-name-history-map
C-c d (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c d (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
C-c DEL (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c DEL (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-c f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-c g (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-c h (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c h (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-c i (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c i (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c l (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c n (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
C-c N (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
C-c o (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
C-c o (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-c o (helm-buffer-not-found-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-not-found-map
C-c o (helm-comint-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-comint-prompts-keymap
C-c o (helm-eshell-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-eshell-prompts-keymap
C-c o (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
C-c o (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c o (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c o (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
C-c o (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
C-c p (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c r (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
C-c R (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
C-c r (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c r (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c r (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c SPC (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-c SPC (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
C-c TAB (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-c u (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c U (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
C-c X (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-c X (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-c _ (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-d (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
C-f (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-g (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-h a: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
C-h a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-h c (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-h C-d (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-h C-h (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-h h (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-h m (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-j (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-k (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-l (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-l (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-l (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-M-% (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-M-% (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-M-<down> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-<up> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-a (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-e (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-l (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-S-v (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-SPC (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-M-v (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-M-y (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-n (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-n (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-o (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
C-o (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-o (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
C-p (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-p (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-r (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-r (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-s (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-s (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-s (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-s (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
C-s (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-SPC (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-t (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-u (helm-M-x-map): Commands in keymap helm-M-x-map
C-v (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 1 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 2 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 3 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 4 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 5 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 6 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 7 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 8 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x 9 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x b (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x c  : Commands in library helm-elisp-package (excludes keymaps)
C-x c  (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c /: Commands in library helm-find (excludes keymaps)
C-x c / (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c 8: Commands in library helm-font (excludes keymaps)
C-x c 8 (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c <tab>: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
C-x c <tab> (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c <tab> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
C-x c a: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
C-x c a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c b: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
C-x c b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c c: Commands in library helm-color (excludes keymaps)
C-x c c (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-,: Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-, (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-:: Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-: (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-c C-x: Commands in library helm-external (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-c C-x (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-c f: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-c f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-c g: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-c g (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-c SPC: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-c SPC (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-x C-b: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-x C-b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-x C-f: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-x C-f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-x r b: Commands in library helm-bookmark (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-x r b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c C-x r i: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
C-x c C-x r i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c e: Commands in library helm-tags (excludes keymaps)
C-x c e (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c F: Commands in library helm-font (excludes keymaps)
C-x c f: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
C-x c f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c F (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c h g: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
C-x c h g (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c h h: Commands in library helm-help (excludes keymaps)
C-x c h h (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c h i: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
C-x c h i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c h r: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
C-x c h r (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c i: Commands in library helm-imenu (excludes keymaps)
C-x c I: Commands in library helm-imenu (excludes keymaps)
C-x c i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c I (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c l: Commands in library helm-locate (excludes keymaps)
C-x c l (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c m: Commands in library helm-man (excludes keymaps)
C-x c m (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c M-g a: Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)
C-x c M-g a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c M-g i: Commands in library helm-id-utils (excludes keymaps)
C-x c M-g i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c M-s o: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
C-x c M-s o (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c M-x: Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)
C-x c M-x (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c M-y: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
C-x c M-y (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c p: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
C-x c p (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c r: Commands in library helm-regexp (excludes keymaps)
C-x c r (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c s: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
C-x c s (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x c t: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
C-x c t (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x C-b: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
C-x C-b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x C-b (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x C-d (helm-bookmark-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-find-files-map
C-x C-d (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-x C-d (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x C-f: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
C-x C-f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x C-f (helm-file-name-history-map): Commands in keymap helm-file-name-history-map
C-x C-f (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x C-f (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-x C-q (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x C-q (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-x C-s (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-x C-s (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
C-x C-s (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
C-x C-v (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x r b (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x r b (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x r i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
C-x r m (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-x s (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-] (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
C-] (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
C-] (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-] (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
C-] (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
C-] (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-_ (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
C-_ (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
C-{ (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
C-} (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map

DEL (helm-comp-read-map): Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map
DEL (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
DEL (helm-find-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-map
DEL (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
DEL (helm-locate-map): Commands in keymap helm-locate-map
DEL (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map

e (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

f (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
F (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

h g (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
h h (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
h i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
h r (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
I (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

l (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

m (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M- (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-! (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-% (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-% (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-( (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-) (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-+ (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-- (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-. (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-/: Commands in library helm-dabbrev (excludes keymaps)
M-< (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-<down> (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
M-<down> (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
M-<down> (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
M-<down> (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-<down> (helm-imenu-map): Commands in keymap helm-imenu-map
M-<down> (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-<down> (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map
M-<next> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-<prior> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-<tab> (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
M-<up> (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
M-<up> (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
M-<up> (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
M-<up> (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-<up> (helm-imenu-map): Commands in keymap helm-imenu-map
M-<up> (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-<up> (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map
M-= (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-= (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-> (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-A (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
M-a (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-B (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
M-B (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-B (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-C (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-C (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-C (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
M-D (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-D (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-D (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-D (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
M-e (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
M-e (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-G (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-g a (helm-browse-project-map): Commands in keymap helm-browse-project-map
M-g a (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M-g a (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g g (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g i (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M-g i (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g M-g (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-g p (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g p (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-g s (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-g s (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g s (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-g z (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-g z (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-H (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-H (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-I (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
M-i (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-i (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-K (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-l (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-L (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-L (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-m (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-M (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
M-N (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-n (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-N (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-n (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-O (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
M-o (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-p (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-P (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-p (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
M-P (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-p (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
M-P (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
M-R (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
M-R (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-r (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-R (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-RET (helm-comp-read-map): Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map
M-RET (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
M-S (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-S (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
M-s (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-s o: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
M-s o (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M-SPC (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-T (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-U (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
M-U (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-U (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
M-V (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
M-v (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
M-x: Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)
M-x (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M-y (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
M-Y (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map

p (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map

r (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
RET (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
RET (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
RET (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
RET (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
RET (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map

s (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
S-<f1> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
S-<f2> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
S-<f3> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
S-<f4> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
S-<f5> (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map

t (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
TAB (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map

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4 Command and Function Index

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Index Entry  Section

backward-char (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

forward-char (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

helm--advice-wdired-finish-edit: Commands in library helm-lib (excludes keymaps)
helm--minor-mode: Modes in library helm
helm--remap-mouse-mode: Modes in library helm
helm-adaptive-mode: Modes in library helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-mode: Commands in library helm-adaptive (excludes keymaps)
helm-adaptive-save-history: Commands in library helm-adaptive (excludes keymaps)
helm-all-mark-rings: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-all-mark-rings (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-apropos: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-apropos (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-autoresize-mode: Modes in library helm
helm-beginning-of-buffer (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-bookmark-rename: Commands in library helm-bookmark (excludes keymaps)
helm-bookmark-run-browse-project (helm-bookmark-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-find-files-map
helm-bookmark-run-delete (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
helm-bookmark-run-edit (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-frame (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
helm-bookmark-toggle-filename (helm-bookmark-map): Commands in keymap helm-bookmark-map
helm-bookmarks: Commands in library helm-bookmark (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-project: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-project-run-ag (helm-browse-project-map): Commands in keymap helm-browse-project-map
helm-browse-url-chromium: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-url-conkeror: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-url-firefox: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-url-next: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-url-opera: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-browse-url-uzbl: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-buffer-diff-persistent (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-revert-persistent (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-ediff (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-goto-line (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-grep: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-query-replace (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-save-some-buffers (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-run-zgrep (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-save-persistent (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-switch-other-frame (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffer-switch-other-window (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffers-list: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
helm-buffers-list (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffers-not-found-run-switch-of (helm-buffer-not-found-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-not-found-map
helm-buffers-not-found-run-switch-ow (helm-buffer-not-found-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-not-found-map
helm-buffers-run-browse-project (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffers-run-occur (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffers-switch-to-buffer-new-tab (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-calcul-expression: Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)
helm-calcul-expression (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-color-run-insert-name (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
helm-color-run-insert-rgb (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
helm-color-run-kill-name (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
helm-color-run-kill-rgb (helm-color-map): Commands in keymap helm-color-map
helm-colors: Commands in library helm-color (excludes keymaps)
helm-colors (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-comint-input-ring: Commands in library helm-comint (excludes keymaps)
helm-comint-prompts: Commands in library helm-comint (excludes keymaps)
helm-comint-prompts-all: Commands in library helm-comint (excludes keymaps)
helm-comint-prompts-other-frame (helm-comint-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-comint-prompts-keymap
helm-comint-prompts-other-window (helm-comint-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-comint-prompts-keymap
helm-complete-file-name-at-point: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-complex-command-history: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-configuration: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-copy-to-buffer (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-cr-empty-string (helm-comp-read-map): Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map
helm-cr-empty-string (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-customize-group (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-cycle-resume: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-dabbrev: Commands in library helm-dabbrev (excludes keymaps)
helm-debug-open-last-log: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-debug-output: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-delete-backward-no-update: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-delete-backward-no-update (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
helm-delete-backward-no-update (helm-find-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-map
helm-delete-backward-no-update (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-delete-backward-no-update (helm-locate-map): Commands in keymap helm-locate-map
helm-delete-backward-no-update (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map
helm-delete-minibuffer-contents (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-delete-tramp-connection: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-display-all-sources: Commands in library helm-utils (excludes keymaps)
helm-display-all-sources (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-display-line-numbers-mode (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-do-grep-ag: Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)
helm-do-grep-ag (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-documentation: Commands in library helm-help (excludes keymaps)
helm-documentation (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-el-package-show-all (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-package-show-built-in (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-package-show-installed (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-package-show-uninstalled (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-package-show-upgrade (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-package-install (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-package-reinstall (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-package-uninstall (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-package-upgrade (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-el-run-visit-homepage (helm-el-package-map): Commands in keymap helm-el-package-map
helm-enable-or-switch-to-debug (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-end-of-buffer (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-enlarge-window (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-epa-list-keys: Commands in library helm-epa (excludes keymaps)
helm-epa-mode: Modes in library helm-epa
helm-epa-mode: Commands in library helm-epa (excludes keymaps)
helm-esh-pcomplete: Commands in library helm-eshell (excludes keymaps)
helm-eshell-history: Commands in library helm-eshell (excludes keymaps)
helm-eshell-prompts: Commands in library helm-eshell (excludes keymaps)
helm-eshell-prompts-all: Commands in library helm-eshell (excludes keymaps)
helm-eshell-prompts-other-frame (helm-eshell-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-eshell-prompts-keymap
helm-eshell-prompts-other-window (helm-eshell-prompts-keymap): Commands in keymap helm-eshell-prompts-keymap
helm-etags-run-switch-other-frame (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
helm-etags-run-switch-other-window (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
helm-etags-select: Commands in library helm-tags (excludes keymaps)
helm-etags-select (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-eval-expression: Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)
helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc: Commands in library helm-eval (excludes keymaps)
helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-eval-new-line-and-indent (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
helm-exchange-minibuffer-and-header-line (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-kmacro: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-execute-persistent-action (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+1 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+1 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+2 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+2 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+3 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+3 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+4 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+4 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+5 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+5 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+6 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+6 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+7 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+7 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+8 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+8 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+9 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-execute-selection-action-at-nth-+9 (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-fd-next-directory (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
helm-fd-previous-directory (helm-fd-map): Commands in keymap helm-fd-map
helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode: Modes in library helm-files
helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-ff-bookmark-set (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-decrease-image-size-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-delete-char-backward: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-ff-file-name-history (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-file-name-history (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-ff-file-name-history-run-ff (helm-file-name-history-map): Commands in keymap helm-file-name-history-map
helm-ff-find-file-other-tab (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-increase-image-size-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-kill-rsync-process: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-ff-persistent-delete (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-properties-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-properties-persistent (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-RET (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-RET (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-ff-RET-must-match: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-browse-project (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-copy-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-copy-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-delete-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-delete-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-ediff-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-ediff-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-etags (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-fd (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-find-sh-command (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-gid (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-git-grep (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-grep (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-grep (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-grep-ag (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-hardlink-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-hardlink-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-insert-org-link (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-insert-org-link (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-load-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-load-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-locate (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-open-file-externally (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-open-file-externally (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-pdfgrep (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-pdfgrep (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-print-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-query-replace (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-query-replace-regexp (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-rename-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-rename-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-rsync-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-switch-other-window (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-switch-other-window (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-switch-to-shell (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-symlink-file (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-symlink-file (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-ff-run-toggle-basename (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-toggle-basename (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-run-toggle-basename (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-ff-run-touch-files (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-zgrep (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-run-zgrep (helm-generic-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-generic-files-map
helm-ff-sort-alpha (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-sort-by-newest (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-sort-by-size (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-TAB: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-ff-toggle-dirs-only (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-toggle-files-only (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-undo (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-ff-undo (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-file-name-history-show-or-hide-deleted (helm-file-name-history-map): Commands in keymap helm-file-name-history-map
helm-filtered-bookmarks: Commands in library helm-bookmark (excludes keymaps)
helm-filtered-bookmarks (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-find: Commands in library helm-find (excludes keymaps)
helm-find (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-find-files: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-find-files (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-find-files-down-last-level (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-find-files-down-last-level (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-find-files-history (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-find-files-switch-to-bookmark (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-find-files-up-one-level (helm-find-files-map): Commands in keymap helm-find-files-map
helm-find-files-up-one-level (helm-read-file-map): Commands in keymap helm-read-file-map
helm-follow-action-backward (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-follow-action-forward (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-follow-mode (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-for-files: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-gid: Commands in library helm-id-utils (excludes keymaps)
helm-gid (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-global-mark-ring: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-gm-next-file (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-gm-next-file (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-gm-precedent-file (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-gm-precedent-file (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-google-suggest: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-google-suggest (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-goto-next-file (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
helm-goto-next-file (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-goto-next-file (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map
helm-goto-precedent-file (helm-etags-map): Commands in keymap helm-etags-map
helm-goto-precedent-file (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-goto-precedent-file (helm-pdfgrep-map): Commands in keymap helm-pdfgrep-map
helm-grep-do-git-grep: Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)
helm-grep-mode: Modes in library helm-grep
helm-grep-mode: Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)
helm-grep-mode-jump (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-backward (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-grep-mode-jump-other-window-forward (helm-grep-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-mode-map
helm-grep-mode-mouse-jump: Commands in library helm-grep (excludes keymaps)
helm-grep-run-default-action (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-grep-run-other-frame-action (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-grep-run-other-window-action (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-grep-run-save-buffer (helm-grep-map): Commands in keymap helm-grep-map
helm-help (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-imenu: Commands in library helm-imenu (excludes keymaps)
helm-imenu (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-imenu-in-all-buffers: Commands in library helm-imenu (excludes keymaps)
helm-imenu-in-all-buffers (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-imenu-next-section (helm-imenu-map): Commands in keymap helm-imenu-map
helm-imenu-previous-section (helm-imenu-map): Commands in keymap helm-imenu-map
helm-info: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-at-point: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-at-point (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-info-auth: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-automake-1: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-automake-history: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-autosprintf: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-autotype: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-bc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-bovine: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-bzip2: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-calc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ccmode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-cl: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-com_err: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-coreutils: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-cvs: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-cvsclient: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-dbus: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-dc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-diffutils: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-dired-x: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-dvipng: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-dvips: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ebrowse: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ed: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ede: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ediff: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-edt: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-eieio: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-eintr: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-elisp: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-emacs: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-emacs (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-info-emacs-gnutls: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-emacs-mime: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-emms: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-epa: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-erc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ert: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-eshell: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-eudc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-eww: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-fastjar: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-find: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-find-maint: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-flex: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-flymake: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-fontname: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-forms: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-gettext: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-global: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-gnupg: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-gnus: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-gnus (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-info-gpm: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-grep: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-grub: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-grub-dev: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-gzip: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-helm: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-helm-bugs: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-helm-devel: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-helm-manual: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-helm-manual-1: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-htmlfontify: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-idlwave: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ido: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-idutils: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-info: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-info-stnd: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-kpathsea: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-latex2man: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-libffi: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-lzip: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-lzip-compressor: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-lzip-decompressor: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-m4: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-mairix-el: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-message: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-mh-e: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-nano: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-nettle: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-newsticker: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-nxml-mode: Modes in library helm-info
helm-info-nxml-mode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-octave-mode: Modes in library helm-info
helm-info-octave-mode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-org: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-pcl-cvs: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-pgg: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-admin: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-data: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-exts: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-FAQ: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-intro: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-ints: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-R-lang: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-rcirc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-rcs: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-reftex: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-remember: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-rluserman: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-sasl: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-sc: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-sed: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-semantic: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ses: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-sharutils: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-sieve: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-smtpmail: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-spd-say: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-speech-dispatcher: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-speedbar: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-srecode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-ssip: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-tds: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-texi2html: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-texinfo: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-time: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-tlbuild: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-todo-mode: Modes in library helm-info
helm-info-todo-mode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-tramp: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-url: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-vhdl-mode: Modes in library helm-info
helm-info-vhdl-mode: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-vip: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-viper: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-wdiff: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-web2c: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-wget: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-widget: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-wisent: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-woman: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-info-xboard: Commands in library helm-info (excludes keymaps)
helm-insert-latex-math: Commands in library helm-misc (excludes keymaps)
helm-keyboard-quit (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-kill-ring-delete (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
helm-kill-ring-kill-selection (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
helm-kill-ring-run-persistent-delete (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
helm-kill-ring-run-search-from-string (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated (helm-kill-ring-map): Commands in keymap helm-kill-ring-map
helm-kill-selection-and-quit (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-lisp-completion-at-point: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-lisp-completion-at-point (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-lisp-completion-at-point (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map
helm-lisp-completion-or-file-name-at-point: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-lisp-indent: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-list-elisp-packages: Commands in library helm-elisp-package (excludes keymaps)
helm-list-elisp-packages (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-list-elisp-packages-no-fetch: Commands in library helm-elisp-package (excludes keymaps)
helm-list-emacs-process: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
helm-list-emacs-process (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-locate: Commands in library helm-locate (excludes keymaps)
helm-locate (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-locate-library: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-M-x: Commands in library helm-command (excludes keymaps)
helm-M-x (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-M-x-universal-argument (helm-M-x-map): Commands in keymap helm-M-x-map
helm-major-mode: Modes in library helm
helm-man-woman: Commands in library helm-man (excludes keymaps)
helm-man-woman (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-manage-advice: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-mark-all (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-mark-ring: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-menu-select-action: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-migemo-mode: Modes in library helm-multi-match
helm-migemo-mode: Commands in library helm-multi-match (excludes keymaps)
helm-mini: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
helm-mode: Modes in library helm-mode
helm-mode: Commands in library helm-mode (excludes keymaps)
helm-mode-delete-char-backward-1: Commands in library helm-mode (excludes keymaps)
helm-mode-delete-char-backward-2: Commands in library helm-mode (excludes keymaps)
helm-mode-delete-char-backward-maybe (helm-comp-read-map): Commands in keymap helm-comp-read-map
helm-mouse-select-candidate: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-multi-files: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-multi-files (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-multi-files-toggle-to-locate: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-multi-occur-from-isearch: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-narrow-window (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-next-line (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-next-page (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-next-source (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-next-visible-mark (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-occur: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-occur-from-isearch: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur-mode: Modes in library helm-occur
helm-occur-mode: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur-mode-goto-line (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-backward (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-occur-mode-goto-line-ow-forward (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-occur-mode-mouse-goto-line: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur-mode-resume-session (helm-occur-mode-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-mode-map
helm-occur-right: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur-run-default-action: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-occur-run-goto-line-of (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
helm-occur-run-goto-line-ow (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
helm-occur-run-save-buffer (helm-occur-map): Commands in keymap helm-occur-map
helm-occur-visible-buffers: Commands in library helm-occur (excludes keymaps)
helm-popup-tip-mode: Modes in library helm-utils
helm-popup-tip-mode: Commands in library helm-utils (excludes keymaps)
helm-prev-visible-mark (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-previous-line (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-previous-page (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-previous-source (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-projects-find-files: Commands in library helm-locate (excludes keymaps)
helm-projects-history: Commands in library helm-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-quit-and-find-file: Commands in library helm-utils (excludes keymaps)
helm-quit-and-find-file (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-quit-and-helm-mini: Commands in library helm-buffers (excludes keymaps)
helm-ratpoison-commands: Commands in library helm-misc (excludes keymaps)
helm-recenter-top-bottom-other-window (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-recentf: Commands in library helm-for-files (excludes keymaps)
helm-recentf (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-refresh (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-regexp: Commands in library helm-regexp (excludes keymaps)
helm-regexp (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-register: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-register (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-reposition-window-other-window (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-reset-adaptive-history: Commands in library helm-adaptive (excludes keymaps)
helm-resume: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-resume (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-resume-list-buffers-after-quit (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-resume-previous-session-after-quit (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-run-cycle-resume: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-run-external-command: Commands in library helm-external (excludes keymaps)
helm-run-external-command (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-scroll-other-window (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-scroll-other-window-down (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-select-action (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-select-xfont: Commands in library helm-font (excludes keymaps)
helm-select-xfont (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-semantic: Commands in library helm-semantic (excludes keymaps)
helm-semantic-or-imenu: Commands in library helm-semantic (excludes keymaps)
helm-sexp-eval-1: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-shell-prompts: Commands in library helm-shell (excludes keymaps)
helm-shell-prompts-all: Commands in library helm-shell (excludes keymaps)
helm-show-all-candidates-in-source: Commands in library helm-utils (excludes keymaps)
helm-show-all-candidates-in-source (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-show-kill-ring: Commands in library helm-ring (excludes keymaps)
helm-show-kill-ring (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-stumpwm-commands: Commands in library helm-misc (excludes keymaps)
helm-surfraw: Commands in library helm-net (excludes keymaps)
helm-surfraw (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-swap-windows (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-timers: Commands in library helm-elisp (excludes keymaps)
helm-toggle-all-marks (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-buffers-details (helm-buffer-map): Commands in keymap helm-buffer-map
helm-toggle-full-frame (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-resplit-window: Commands in library helm (excludes keymaps)
helm-toggle-suspend-update (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-truncate-line (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-visible-mark (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-visible-mark-backward (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-toggle-visible-mark-forward (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-top: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
helm-top (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-top-poll-mode: Modes in library helm-sys
helm-top-poll-mode: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
helm-top-run-sort-by-com (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
helm-top-run-sort-by-mem (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
helm-top-run-sort-by-user (helm-top-map): Commands in keymap helm-top-map
helm-ucs: Commands in library helm-font (excludes keymaps)
helm-ucs (helm-command-map): Commands in keymap helm-command-map
helm-ucs-persistent-backward (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
helm-ucs-persistent-delete (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
helm-ucs-persistent-forward (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space (helm-ucs-map): Commands in keymap helm-ucs-map
helm-undo-yank-text-at-point: Commands in library helm-lib (excludes keymaps)
helm-unmark-all (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-world-time: Commands in library helm-misc (excludes keymaps)
helm-xrandr-set: Commands in library helm-sys (excludes keymaps)
helm-yank-selection (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map
helm-yank-text-at-point: Commands in library helm-lib (excludes keymaps)

lisp-indent-line (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

next-line (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

previous-line (helm-eval-expression-map): Commands in keymap helm-eval-expression-map

undefined (helm-map): Commands in keymap helm-map

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5 Variable Index

This is not a complete index of variables and faces, only the ones that are mentioned in the manual. For a more complete list, use M-x org-customize and then click yourself through the tree.

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Index Entry  Section

helm--autoresize-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm--minor-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm
helm--minor-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm--remap-mouse-mode: Options in library ‘helm
helm--remap-mouse-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm
helm--remap-mouse-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm--run-init-hooks: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm--temp-hooks: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-action-at-nth-negative-prefix-key: Options in library ‘helm
helm-action-at-nth-positive-prefix-key: Options in library ‘helm
helm-actions-inherit-frame-settings: Options in library ‘helm
helm-adaptive-history-file: Options in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-history-length: Options in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-mode: Options in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-adaptive-sort-by-frequent-recent-usage: Options in library ‘helm-adaptive
helm-advice-push-mark: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-after-action-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-after-initialize-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-after-persistent-action-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-after-preselection-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-after-update-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-allow-mouse: Options in library ‘helm
helm-always-two-windows: Options in library ‘helm
helm-apropos-defaut-info-lookup-sources: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-apropos-function-list: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-apropos-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-async-outer-limit-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-autoresize-max-height: Options in library ‘helm
helm-autoresize-min-height: Options in library ‘helm
helm-autoresize-mode: Options in library ‘helm
helm-autoresize-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm
helm-autoresize-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-before-action-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-before-initialize-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-before-update-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-bookmark-default-filtered-sources: Options in library ‘helm-bookmark
helm-bookmark-show-location: Options in library ‘helm-bookmark
helm-boring-buffer-regexp-list: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-boring-file-regexp-list: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-browse-project-default-find-files-fn: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-browse-url-firefox-new-window: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-buffer--pretty-names: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffer-details-flag: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffer-list-reorder-fn: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffer-max-length: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffer-skip-remote-checking: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-column-separator: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-end-truncated-string: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-favorite-modes: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-left-margin-width: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-maybe-switch-to-tab: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-sort-fn: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-buffers-truncate-lines: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-candidate-number-limit: Options in library ‘helm
helm-candidate-separator: Options in library ‘helm
helm-case-fold-search: Options in library ‘helm
helm-cleanup-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-comint-max-offset: Options in library ‘helm-comint
helm-comint-mode-list: Options in library ‘helm-comint
helm-comint-next-prompt-function: Options in library ‘helm-comint
helm-comint-prompts-promptidx-p: Options in library ‘helm-comint
helm-command-prefix-key: Options in library ‘helm-global-bindings
helm-commands-using-frame: Options in library ‘helm
helm-comp-read-case-fold-search: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completing-read-handlers-alist: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completion-mark-suffix: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completion-style: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completion-styles-alist: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-completion-window-scroll-margin: Options in library ‘helm
helm-confirm-and-exit-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-cycle-resume-delay: Options in library ‘helm
helm-dabbrev-always-search-all: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-candidates-number-limit: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-case-fold-search: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-cycle-threshold: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-ignored-buffers-regexps: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-lineno-around: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-major-mode-assoc: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-dabbrev-related-buffer-fn: Options in library ‘helm-dabbrev
helm-debug-root-directory: Options in library ‘helm
helm-default-display-buffer-alist: Options in library ‘helm
helm-default-display-buffer-functions: Options in library ‘helm
helm-default-external-file-browser: Options in library ‘helm-external
helm-default-info-index-list: Options in library ‘helm-info
helm-default-kbsize: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-default-prompt-display-function: Options in library ‘helm
helm-default-zgrep-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-delete-minibuffer-contents-from-point: Options in library ‘helm
helm-describe-function-function: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-describe-variable-function: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-display-buffer-default-height: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-buffer-default-width: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-buffer-height: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-buffer-reuse-frame: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-buffer-width: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-function: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-header-line: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-line-numbers-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm
helm-display-line-numbers-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-display-source-at-screen-top: Options in library ‘helm
helm-dwim-target: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-echo-input-in-header-line: Options in library ‘helm
helm-el-package-autoremove-on-start: Options in library ‘helm-elisp-package
helm-el-package-initial-filter: Options in library ‘helm-elisp-package
helm-el-package-upgrade-on-start: Options in library ‘helm-elisp-package
helm-el-truncate-lines: Options in library ‘helm-elisp-package
helm-eldoc-in-minibuffer-show-fn: Options in library ‘helm-eval
helm-elisp-help-function: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-epa-actions: Options in library ‘helm-epa
helm-epa-mode: Options in library ‘helm-epa
helm-epa-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-epa
helm-epa-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-epa
helm-eshell--quit-hook-fn: Hooks in library ‘helm-eshell
helm-eshell-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-eshell
helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx-p: Options in library ‘helm-eshell
helm-etags-execute-action-at-once-if-one: Options in library ‘helm-tags
helm-etags-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-tags
helm-etags-match-part-only: Options in library ‘helm-tags
helm-etags-tag-file-name: Options in library ‘helm-tags
helm-etags-tag-file-search-limit: Options in library ‘helm-tags
helm-exit-idle-delay: Options in library ‘helm
helm-exit-minibuffer-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-external-programs-associations: Options in library ‘helm-external
helm-fd-switches: Options in library ‘helm-fd
helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff--delete-async-modeline-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff--update-resume-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-allow-non-existing-file-at-point: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-avfs-directory: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-before-action-hook-fn: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-candidate-number-limit: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-DEL-up-one-level-maybe: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-delete-files-function: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-display-image-native: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-exif-data-program: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-exif-data-program-args: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-file-compressed-list: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-file-name-history-use-recentf: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-fuzzy-matching: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-goto-first-real-dired-exceptions: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-guess-ffap-filenames: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-guess-ffap-urls: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-history-max-length: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-initial-sort-method: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname-fn: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-locate-db-filename: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-ff-lynx-style-map: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-newfile-prompt-p: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-no-preselect: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-preferred-shell-mode: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-printer-list: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-reset-filters-on-update: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-rotate-image-program: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-rotate-image-switch: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-search-library-in-sexp: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-setup-update-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-signal-error-on-dot-files: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-skip-boring-files: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-skip-git-ignored-files: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-ff-up-one-level-preselect: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-file-cache-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-file-globstar: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-file-name-case-fold-search: Options in library ‘helm
helm-files-save-history-extra-sources: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-actions: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-after-init-hook: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-after-init-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-before-init-hook: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-before-init-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-bookmark-prefix: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-files-ignore-thing-at-point: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-find-many-files-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-utils
helm-find-noerrors: Options in library ‘helm-find
helm-findutils-search-full-path: Options in library ‘helm-find
helm-findutils-skip-boring-files: Options in library ‘helm-find
helm-follow-mode-persistent: Options in library ‘helm
helm-for-files-preferred-list: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-for-files-tramp-not-fancy: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-frame-alpha: Options in library ‘helm
helm-frame-background-color: Options in library ‘helm
helm-frame-foreground-color: Options in library ‘helm
helm-full-frame: Options in library ‘helm
helm-fuzzy-match-fn: Options in library ‘helm
helm-fuzzy-matching-highlight-fn: Options in library ‘helm
helm-fuzzy-search-fn: Options in library ‘helm
helm-fuzzy-sort-fn: Options in library ‘helm
helm-gid-db-file-name: Options in library ‘helm-id-utils
helm-gid-program: Options in library ‘helm-id-utils
helm-google-suggest-actions: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-google-suggest-default-browser-function: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-google-suggest-search-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-google-suggest-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-google-suggest-use-curl-p: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-goto-line-before-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-utils
helm-grep-actions: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-after-init-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-ag-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-ag-pipe-cmd-switches: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-before-init-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-default-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-default-recurse-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-file-path-style: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-git-grep-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-ignored-directories: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-ignored-files: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-input-idle-delay: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-max-length-history: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-pipe-cmd-switches: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-preferred-ext: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-save-buffer-name-no-confirm: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-truncate-lines: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-grep-use-ioccur-style-keys: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-header-line-space-before-prompt: Options in library ‘helm
helm-help-default-prompt: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-help-full-frame: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-help-hkmap: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-help-mode-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-lib
helm-help-mode-before-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-lib
helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-highlight-number-lines-around-point: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-home-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-html-decode-entities-function: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-imenu-all-buffer-assoc: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-delimiter: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-execute-action-at-once-if-one: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-extra-modes: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-in-all-buffers-separate-sources: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-lynx-style-map: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-imenu-type-faces: Options in library ‘helm-imenu
helm-info-default-sources: Options in library ‘helm-info
helm-inherit-input-method: Options in library ‘helm
helm-input-idle-delay: Options in library ‘helm
helm-input-method-verbose-flag: Options in library ‘helm
helm-kill-ring-actions: Options in library ‘helm-ring
helm-kill-ring-max-offset: Options in library ‘helm-ring
helm-kill-ring-separator: Options in library ‘helm-ring
helm-kill-ring-threshold: Options in library ‘helm-ring
helm-left-margin-width: Options in library ‘helm
helm-lisp-fuzzy-completion: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-lisp-quoted-function-list: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-lisp-unquoted-function-list: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-list-directory-function: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-locate-case-fold-search: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-command: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-create-db-command: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-db-file-regexp: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-fuzzy-sort-fn: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-library-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-locate-project-list: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command: Options in library ‘helm-locate
helm-log-run-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-M-x--before-action-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-command
helm-M-x--move-selection-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-command
helm-M-x-always-save-history: Options in library ‘helm-command
helm-M-x-reverse-history: Options in library ‘helm-command
helm-M-x-use-completion-styles: Options in library ‘helm-command
helm-major-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-man-format-switches: Options in library ‘helm-man
helm-man-or-woman-function: Options in library ‘helm-man
helm-migemo-mode: Options in library ‘helm-multi-match
helm-migemo-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-multi-match
helm-migemo-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-multi-match
helm-mini-default-sources: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-minibuffer-history-key: Options in library ‘helm-global-bindings
helm-minibuffer-history-must-match: Options in library ‘helm-misc
helm-minibuffer-set-up-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-mm-matching-method: Options in library ‘helm-multi-match
helm-mode: Options in library ‘helm-command
helm-mode: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode--ido-everywhere-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-handle-completion-in-region: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-minibuffer-setup-hook-black-list: Hooks in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-no-completion-in-region-in-modes: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-mode-reverse-history: Options in library ‘helm-mode
helm-modes-using-escaped-strings: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-mounted-network-directories: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-move-selection-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-move-selection-before-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-move-to-line-cycle-in-source: Options in library ‘helm
helm-multi-files-toggle-locate-binding: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-net-curl-switches: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-net-prefer-curl: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-occur-actions: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-always-search-in-current: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-auto-update-on-resume: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-buffer-substring-fn-for-modes: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-candidate-number-limit: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-keep-closest-position: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-truncate-lines: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-occur-use-ioccur-style-keys: Options in library ‘helm-occur
helm-pdfgrep-default-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-pdfgrep-default-read-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-pdfgrep-default-recurse-command: Options in library ‘helm-grep
helm-persistent-autoresize-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-utils
helm-popup-tip-mode: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-popup-tip-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-popup-tip-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-utils
helm-prevent-escaping-from-minibuffer: Options in library ‘helm
helm-process-deferred-sentinel-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-quit-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-raise-command: Options in library ‘helm-external
helm-recentf-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-register-max-offset: Options in library ‘helm-ring
helm-resize-on-pa-text-height: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-resume-after-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-reuse-last-window-split-state: Options in library ‘helm
helm-rsync-no-mode-line-update: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-rsync-percent-sign: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-rsync-switches: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-samewindow: Options in library ‘helm
helm-save-configuration-functions: Options in library ‘helm
helm-scroll-amount: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-search-suggest-action-google-maps-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-search-suggest-action-google-news-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-search-suggest-action-imdb-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-search-suggest-action-wikipedia-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-select-action-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-semantic-display-style: Options in library ‘helm-semantic
helm-semantic-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-semantic
helm-semantic-lynx-style-map: Options in library ‘helm-semantic
helm-session-fuzzy-match: Options in library ‘helm-x-files
helm-show-action-window-other-window: Options in library ‘helm
helm-show-completion-display-function: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-show-completion-min-window-height: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-show-info-in-mode-line-delay: Options in library ‘helm-eval
helm-source-names-using-follow: Options in library ‘helm
helm-sources-using-default-as-input: Options in library ‘helm
helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-split-window-default-side: Options in library ‘helm
helm-split-window-in-side-p: Options in library ‘helm
helm-split-window-inside-p: Options in library ‘helm
helm-split-window-other-side-when-one-window: Options in library ‘helm
helm-split-window-preferred-function: Options in library ‘helm
helm-su-or-sudo: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-substitute-in-filename-stay-on-remote: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-surfraw-default-browser-function: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url: Options in library ‘helm-net
helm-time-zone-home-location: Options in library ‘helm-misc
helm-timezone-actions: Options in library ‘helm-misc
helm-tooltip-hide-delay: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-top-after-init-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-command: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-initialize-poll-hooks: Hooks in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-delay: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-delay-post-command: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-mode: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-mode-hook: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-mode-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-poll-preselection: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-top-sort-columns-alist: Options in library ‘helm-sys
helm-tramp-connection-min-time-diff: Options in library ‘helm
helm-tramp-verbose: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-trash-remote-files: Options in library ‘helm-files
helm-truncate-lines: Options in library ‘helm
helm-turn-on-recentf: Options in library ‘helm-for-files
helm-turn-on-show-completion: Options in library ‘helm-elisp
helm-type-bookmark-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-type-buffer-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-type-command-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-type-file-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-type-function-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-type-timers-actions: Options in library ‘helm-types
helm-ucs-actions: Options in library ‘helm-font
helm-ucs-recent-size: Options in library ‘helm-font
helm-update-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-use-frame-when-dedicated-window: Options in library ‘helm
helm-use-frame-when-more-than-two-windows: Options in library ‘helm
helm-use-undecorated-frame-option: Options in library ‘helm
helm-white-buffer-regexp-list: Options in library ‘helm-buffers
helm-window-configuration-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-window-show-buffers-function: Options in library ‘helm-utils
helm-yank-text-at-point-function: Options in library ‘helm-lib
helm-zgrep-file-extension-regexp: Options in library ‘helm-grep

with-helm-after-update-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm
with-helm-temp-hook: Hooks in library ‘helm

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